These dating ads on tv are so bogus. First, no one looks like that on there. The ones that do, are the fake profiles, and those sites are overrun with fakes. Most made by the site, not weirdos in Russia.


Three day weekend, what did I do? Go out? Go to barbeques? Nope! I'm tired of going out and no bbq's happened that I know of. Worked in my yard, people were driving by and said how great it looked! Tons better than wasting time and $$ in a bar.


Feb. 14th. Yeah this is weeks later. Feh. A year ago on Feb 12th a friend of mine died in a car crash due to distracted driving. She swerved, bounced off a guardrail and right into the front of a delivery truck. Her 12yo daughter was in class. They lived across the hall from my apartment, I always heard them talking, laughing, or her ripping...
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Saturday night is an exciting time! Why am I up to? Why, I'm insulating my heating pipes in the basement! The ladies love this sort of thing. I'm sure of it! Uh...right?