everything is doing ok. the wife is due in february. all we want is ten fingers, toes, and a healthy child.
God willing, it will happen. I am going to try going back to college via night school. getting my associates is the first step to getting that B.A. I would like to try becoming a officer, but i am not the PT stud i need to be. i have to learn to motivate myself more. being away from the wife while i find us a decent place to live is taking its toll on us, but i think we'll do fine.
i am reading a book called "every man's battle." i highly reccomend it to any God fearing man who seeks to better his relationship or marriage. the problem is the way it sets out to correct you is very tough for some men, including myself. i know i have to do this in order to have the relationship and marriage i want.
finding the right place to live is very tough here in lawton. your looking at 500-700 for a apartment or rental.
i hope to find a 3 bedroom place in a decent neighborhood. this is a growing community, and there is alot of competition, but the prices are still high.
i hope i can find a place soon, and i hope i can afford all the things that will be needed in the future.
being a happily married man is rare nowadays, and although i get mad at my wife sometimes, i can not see myself just tossing it away. sometimes the guilt trips and the anal retentive stuff gets to me, but then i remember i love her and that i am lucky to have her. having her here will help alot. i just hope money or lack there of doesnt drive a wedge between us. money and it's issues kill so many good relationships.
God willing, it will happen. I am going to try going back to college via night school. getting my associates is the first step to getting that B.A. I would like to try becoming a officer, but i am not the PT stud i need to be. i have to learn to motivate myself more. being away from the wife while i find us a decent place to live is taking its toll on us, but i think we'll do fine.
i am reading a book called "every man's battle." i highly reccomend it to any God fearing man who seeks to better his relationship or marriage. the problem is the way it sets out to correct you is very tough for some men, including myself. i know i have to do this in order to have the relationship and marriage i want.
finding the right place to live is very tough here in lawton. your looking at 500-700 for a apartment or rental.
i hope to find a 3 bedroom place in a decent neighborhood. this is a growing community, and there is alot of competition, but the prices are still high.
i hope i can find a place soon, and i hope i can afford all the things that will be needed in the future.
being a happily married man is rare nowadays, and although i get mad at my wife sometimes, i can not see myself just tossing it away. sometimes the guilt trips and the anal retentive stuff gets to me, but then i remember i love her and that i am lucky to have her. having her here will help alot. i just hope money or lack there of doesnt drive a wedge between us. money and it's issues kill so many good relationships.
Why do Officer's need to be PT Buffs? That's a new one...
If I could find an apartment for 500 bucks... I'd be in love! But good luck with your house search. Have you considered perhaps buying and getting a mortgage instead of a lease? It's a move that could suit you a lot better? But I guess with the possibility of moving all over everywhere.. that wouldn't work.
Your marriage is in it's infancy, give it time sweetie. Worrying about destroying it with other means, may end up more detrimental in the end.
You're a great husband.
You'll be a great father.
That's all you need to remember.