Well, i might move the wedding up and elope....which has somthing to do with the fact that...
Oh and I am going to be a Dad......AGAIN! Anyhow, I am somewhat excited, but cautiously because...
I wont get to be there with her through this whole thing because i am here and she is there and she doesnt want to move up here with me. Moving Her and Kale up here to Ok would be expensive.
kale is her handicaped boy that is 6 years old. He is somewhat smart, but his motor skills are not great.
I think all of this is bringing us together, but it threatened to break us at first.
She said she wanted an abortion at first, which i then told her she'd be doing that alone, as well as everything else. I dont believe in it and will have nothing to do with it. It would have cost me a relationship.
She finally came to her sences and decided to just be histerical instead.
Now she is coming along ok with a lil support and caring on my part as well as my mom and her friends.
I am SOOOO burned out on my job and school. I need something to refresh me. I am going through a phase in my life where I don't have motivation...like a semi depression i can't do a thing about. It is a funk I have to get out of.
what sucks is that i have no control over it and I don't know what is causing it. I don't want to go through what i did the last time I got deeply depressed, where i tried to off myself. For those of you who can relate, even when everything in your life is awesome, these things can happen. you have to pray and lean on your faith. i will need help through these times...
Fantastic man you are, going to be a fantastic husband and obviously you're a fantastic father.
You really are my hero