I was in the field for 5 days, and it rained 4 of them. I never felt like I was really a part of the team or anything. I like alot of the guys, but dislike the company. Overall the experiance was ok, but left a bad taste in my mouth for the army and that unit. I felt so unimportant.
* I moved on from my old relationship and picked up a new one. everything is great so far. less stress, easier going. i have found faith in the good side of karma. Things could be looking up!
*When it rains in Oklahoma, it aint no joke. Tornado's and floods are abundant.
*I might get deployed to who knows where next year. At least, if things go well, I'll have an associates (unless all the damn field time makes it impossible).
*I learned alot from brunson's first super system book. I bought it and skalanskys theory on poker. The latter is a tough read, but the first is awesome. I love poker....live, not online. (never mind that I lost quite a bit tonight. Played Erratic and horrible!
*I miss my daughter, my mom, and my special someone. If you all read this, I love you.
*(small rant) I hope to God we quit using oil and quit making IRAN rich and start becoming an independent country. I dont want to have to go kill more hadji's on england's behalf. Muslims get pissed when you diss thier religion or stereotype them, but when I think of them, I think of terrorists. People are afraid of them, and thats scary. Stereotypes are around for a reason.
*Moving on (and breaking up) is hard to do, but happens sometimes. I hate when people say they are sorry, but then fuck it up by being hateful again. Emotion, both happy and sad, interupts normal thought. When you feel the need to say something, calm down and gather your sences. Be sincere and be honest.
*Sometimes you have to fall flat on your face, fuck things up for your future, miss out on what would have been something good, and really screw up to realize how good things were and what you lost. Opportunity knocks rarely. Second chances are few. Take them before they disappear.
*When people cry out for help, they usually mean it. Tramatic events, like warzones, do things to people. Take the time to listen.
*I stole this blog idea from Karen. She changes her name and picture daily. Go pay some attention to her. Please.
*My sex is capable of breaking beds and taming the wild. I may not be a looker, but I can go all damn night. Go me...Go me...
*Myspace is starting to piss me off, and NO I will not fall for the stupid send me money to get money email scam. Spam mail pisses me the hell off too. Those people should die like saddam did.
* I moved on from my old relationship and picked up a new one. everything is great so far. less stress, easier going. i have found faith in the good side of karma. Things could be looking up!
*When it rains in Oklahoma, it aint no joke. Tornado's and floods are abundant.
*I might get deployed to who knows where next year. At least, if things go well, I'll have an associates (unless all the damn field time makes it impossible).
*I learned alot from brunson's first super system book. I bought it and skalanskys theory on poker. The latter is a tough read, but the first is awesome. I love poker....live, not online. (never mind that I lost quite a bit tonight. Played Erratic and horrible!
*I miss my daughter, my mom, and my special someone. If you all read this, I love you.
*(small rant) I hope to God we quit using oil and quit making IRAN rich and start becoming an independent country. I dont want to have to go kill more hadji's on england's behalf. Muslims get pissed when you diss thier religion or stereotype them, but when I think of them, I think of terrorists. People are afraid of them, and thats scary. Stereotypes are around for a reason.
*Moving on (and breaking up) is hard to do, but happens sometimes. I hate when people say they are sorry, but then fuck it up by being hateful again. Emotion, both happy and sad, interupts normal thought. When you feel the need to say something, calm down and gather your sences. Be sincere and be honest.
*Sometimes you have to fall flat on your face, fuck things up for your future, miss out on what would have been something good, and really screw up to realize how good things were and what you lost. Opportunity knocks rarely. Second chances are few. Take them before they disappear.
*When people cry out for help, they usually mean it. Tramatic events, like warzones, do things to people. Take the time to listen.
*I stole this blog idea from Karen. She changes her name and picture daily. Go pay some attention to her. Please.
*My sex is capable of breaking beds and taming the wild. I may not be a looker, but I can go all damn night. Go me...Go me...
*Myspace is starting to piss me off, and NO I will not fall for the stupid send me money to get money email scam. Spam mail pisses me the hell off too. Those people should die like saddam did.
The statement was basicly a combination of things I have done and have seen people do. My ex thought we would be together forever, but for once it was her that fucked things up. Another friend failed miserably at moving away from home, yet took it with pride. As for opportunity, it may be knocking for me and now I am being severly tested to stay the course. Its a combination of statements rolled up into one.
Okay already I'm getting naked soon!