being in the medical field is rewarding and tough. seeing the loss of life always wears heavy on my heart, but i know that in everything a reason exists. all thigs have a begining and end state. seeing childbirth is a beutifull thing. being a army medic is challenging at times because we are non combative soldiers asked to treat, defend, and sometimes kill. i joined to serve so others wouldnt have to. i am willing to give my life so others can do as they wish within the law. its a tough way of life. i have been single for 4 years, i am always on the move, and i am always forced to do what i am told, when i am told to. all i do is sacrifice myself and everything. i even re-up'd for a few more years to pay off bills so i could further provide for my child, who now misses me dearly. being a good responsible parent requires such, but at a steep price.
all in all, i dont want pitty, just support. so be against bush and iraq all you want, just try to support folks like myself. i need all of it i can get.
so, december 4th of 2008 is my last day in this mess. that gives me exactly 2 years in oklahoma and possibly another deployment. so far i have been to: ireland, germany, iraq, afghanistan, kyrgistan, turkey, kuwait, qatar, and every major airport east of the mississppi. thats deployments for 2 years out of 4 i have been in. and 7 months of training during that time. i leave for OK in december. maybe one day ill get my someone special to share all this madness with. well, this should be my last update armywise for some time. if you wanna say hi, just leave me a message. later!
all in all, i dont want pitty, just support. so be against bush and iraq all you want, just try to support folks like myself. i need all of it i can get.
so, december 4th of 2008 is my last day in this mess. that gives me exactly 2 years in oklahoma and possibly another deployment. so far i have been to: ireland, germany, iraq, afghanistan, kyrgistan, turkey, kuwait, qatar, and every major airport east of the mississppi. thats deployments for 2 years out of 4 i have been in. and 7 months of training during that time. i leave for OK in december. maybe one day ill get my someone special to share all this madness with. well, this should be my last update armywise for some time. if you wanna say hi, just leave me a message. later!