Thanks to everyone who gave us anything in 2007, whether it was a card, money, or a gift (or a prayer even). We are truely blessed. The baby shower was saturday the 29th @ 2p.m. in harrisburg. Alot of folks may have not have gotten their invitations or God forbid were left off by accident. We mainly just wanted to see all of the friends...
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I'm so happy you're back! How is that gorgeous woman of yours? And your gorgeous baby boy? He's beautiful 

after a long break, i am back. i may still be not re-uping my account, but i am back from a long hiatus.
here are some updats for all of you:
soon to be born baby elijah had an amnio and blood test and all came back A OK. he should be here february 13th or so.
i am moved in to my new rental...
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here are some updats for all of you:
soon to be born baby elijah had an amnio and blood test and all came back A OK. he should be here february 13th or so.
i am moved in to my new rental...
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I thought bewbs might draw you out, how are you sunshine?
Good to hear things are going well, and that the baby is doing great
Hope you had a happy Halloween
Good to hear things are going well, and that the baby is doing great

Hope you had a happy Halloween

Hmm. So I thought to myself... is wow good or bad?
It could be bad!
It could be bad!

Odd Facts about ME!
DO YOU SNORE?: sometimes
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF "REALITY TV"?: freaking sucks
DO YOU CHEW ON YOUR STRAWS?: no, i chew on the styrofoam.
WERE YOU A CUTE BABY?: of course
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DO YOU SNORE?: sometimes
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF "REALITY TV"?: freaking sucks
DO YOU CHEW ON YOUR STRAWS?: no, i chew on the styrofoam.
WERE YOU A CUTE BABY?: of course
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Happy Birthday sweetheart!!
Sending you hugs and kisses, and hoping you're having a good one.

Sending you hugs and kisses, and hoping you're having a good one.

Hope you are well! Just dropped in to say hello!!!XOXOOXOX
well, so far the wife might be down by october. being away from loved ones does suck for all involved.
we are going through the growing pains of marriage. its tough, and her being hormonal doesnt help anything.
we found out that there is a 1 in 90 chance our child could be a downs syndrome baby. it was a bad day when we found...
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we are going through the growing pains of marriage. its tough, and her being hormonal doesnt help anything.
we found out that there is a 1 in 90 chance our child could be a downs syndrome baby. it was a bad day when we found...
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I'm sharing love. And I'm telling you hi.
If you become single again.. nevermind
I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that everything is okay with bubs, and the transition from new love to old love with your wife.
I don't want you to deploy. Dammit.
But you are my hero 

If you become single again.. nevermind

I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that everything is okay with bubs, and the transition from new love to old love with your wife.
I don't want you to deploy. Dammit.

i just thought i would say that all is well. ill be gone sometime next year. iraq will never be worth a damn, but oh well.
more later!
more later!
Thank you wow just thank you for the compliment!
You need to update your blog.. it depresses me everytime I come to leave you a comment to read that you're leaving next year. Boo!
My buns are currently steel...
My buns are currently steel...

i somehow got banned from the jokes group for asking if a few threads were going to get locked.
This is what I posted on about 3 different threads:
"is this thread going to get locked too?"
the reson being is that the group got lambasted by "shalome" for the black and racial jokes.
while i though it was over reacting, it was a rules...
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This is what I posted on about 3 different threads:
"is this thread going to get locked too?"
the reson being is that the group got lambasted by "shalome" for the black and racial jokes.
while i though it was over reacting, it was a rules...
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and one more thing.
it is not, and i say again, not to much to ask to get a responce of some kind in a timely matter (not neccesarily minutes. one day at the most.)
it is not, and i say again, not to much to ask to get a responce of some kind in a timely matter (not neccesarily minutes. one day at the most.)
SG Group Drama! There was some of that going on in "All Your Base Are Belong To US" group a little while back. Good to see you can go back to the Jokes group
Thanks for the comment on my pic
you're terribly sweet.. I've never much been able to accept compliments, usually thinking their veiled for another reason. But.. thank you
I'm sorry that I've been shit with commenting and stuff on your blog lately, it's not my intent. But cheers for hanging in there with me-- I'd be pretty gutted if you were to give me the flick
You're still my hero, and I miss ya bunches.

SG Group Drama! There was some of that going on in "All Your Base Are Belong To US" group a little while back. Good to see you can go back to the Jokes group

Thanks for the comment on my pic

I'm sorry that I've been shit with commenting and stuff on your blog lately, it's not my intent. But cheers for hanging in there with me-- I'd be pretty gutted if you were to give me the flick

You're still my hero, and I miss ya bunches.

so, i go down to the casino to play cards. sometimes i win, most times i lose. i enjoy playing, but sometimes you learn lessons the hard way. linlin calls me up and i tell her i am chiiling and that i am fine, which was only partly true. i was playing and i was bored. i feel bad (and i rightfuly should) for not...
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everything is doing ok. the wife is due in february. all we want is ten fingers, toes, and a healthy child.
God willing, it will happen. I am going to try going back to college via night school. getting my associates is the first step to getting that B.A. I would like to try becoming a officer, but i am not the PT stud i...
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God willing, it will happen. I am going to try going back to college via night school. getting my associates is the first step to getting that B.A. I would like to try becoming a officer, but i am not the PT stud i...
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Life is too short to be worrying about money, sweetheart. Some of us have too miuch of the stuff, and are miserable-- others don't have enough, but are happy. Preparing to be a father is tough enough, please don't let the money worries kill you too
Why do Officer's need to be PT Buffs? That's a new one...
If I could find an apartment for 500 bucks... I'd be in love! But good luck with your house search. Have you considered perhaps buying and getting a mortgage instead of a lease? It's a move that could suit you a lot better? But I guess with the possibility of moving all over everywhere.. that wouldn't work.
Your marriage is in it's infancy, give it time sweetie. Worrying about destroying it with other means, may end up more detrimental in the end.
You're a great husband.
You'll be a great father.
That's all you need to remember.

Why do Officer's need to be PT Buffs? That's a new one...
If I could find an apartment for 500 bucks... I'd be in love! But good luck with your house search. Have you considered perhaps buying and getting a mortgage instead of a lease? It's a move that could suit you a lot better? But I guess with the possibility of moving all over everywhere.. that wouldn't work.
Your marriage is in it's infancy, give it time sweetie. Worrying about destroying it with other means, may end up more detrimental in the end.
You're a great husband.
You'll be a great father.
That's all you need to remember.

i like sex.
i like it alot.
but for some reason, i can never reach the top of the mountain, so to say.
Karen knows what i am talking about...
looking for a house to live in is tough. deposits are kicking my ass.
in the mean while, i bought me a 12 pack of miller chill's.
i am planing on kicking back, playing my...
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i like it alot.
but for some reason, i can never reach the top of the mountain, so to say.
Karen knows what i am talking about...

looking for a house to live in is tough. deposits are kicking my ass.
in the mean while, i bought me a 12 pack of miller chill's.
i am planing on kicking back, playing my...
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just a note. on CoH, i am "medic brietz" and i play on Freedom.
global is @brietz
global is @brietz
mmmm...sushi. i think thats one of the things i miss most right now. cant eat raw fishies while preggers *pouts*
i added new pictures on the Myspace page. go see!
Bah, I'm not a yankee. I'm just mildly adopted by the yankee country?
How you doin' sweetheart?

How you doin' sweetheart?
Of course I did not hurt my knees!!!! It's my hip joints that ache!! Silly man!
this time next year, i will be back in iraq. AGAIN...
deployment number three...
we got alot of hard training coming up. pray for all of us.
deployment number three...
we got alot of hard training coming up. pray for all of us.
i am gonna stay for now. i just have to cut out the amount of nakedness i look at. i cant be looking at boobies and devote myself to my wife.
I'm praying for you too, kid. I'm pretty sure there's some equation out there which pits the reality of returning with the cause of leaving in the first place. Doesn't mean shit sweetheart-- nothing's ever certain.
Hopefully, you wont have to go back again after this bullshit and you'll have the time to spend with your family.
I'm not the praying type of person, I dunno why. But you have me prayin' for you.

Hopefully, you wont have to go back again after this bullshit and you'll have the time to spend with your family.
I'm not the praying type of person, I dunno why. But you have me prayin' for you.

college is going ok. I am only going to take one class for my next semester. I can not possibly do 2 with all of the shit I have going on. Anyhow, i like to change up my web page alot, so you all will be seeing new shit.
for those of me who know me on suicide girls, I probably wont re-up my membership....
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for those of me who know me on suicide girls, I probably wont re-up my membership....
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thats my mom for ya...
and I don't want to be prego right now... but i'm a doomsday kind of person and I am afraid of not ever being able to.. so I quit smoking and I am cutting out a LOT of drinking...
lalalala.. i'm at work and my mind doesn't function! blah..
sorry to hear about all your b/s your dealin with... and yay for getting married...
ummmmm..... msg me on myspace when your membership is up... or well i'll just start having these conversations with you on myspace.. duh...
and I don't want to be prego right now... but i'm a doomsday kind of person and I am afraid of not ever being able to.. so I quit smoking and I am cutting out a LOT of drinking...
lalalala.. i'm at work and my mind doesn't function! blah..
sorry to hear about all your b/s your dealin with... and yay for getting married...
ummmmm..... msg me on myspace when your membership is up... or well i'll just start having these conversations with you on myspace.. duh...
well, i may stay on. i love you all way too much. hope is like my lil sister, luthie is like the hot foreign chick at school i always wanted. karen is my sinful pleasure. i love all you women. man, i cant have but one though.
i wont ever leave this place.

i wont ever leave this place.