i can't waaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiitttttttt

tell me why all my fave band members get the boot? RIGHT before i'm seeing them two nights in a row in detroit too. mother fucker.
i'm in a good mood. rare.
i havn't stopped listening to Ultimate Fakebook in two days. they make me insanely happy.

i miss my little asian friend terribly

shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. bff.
i'm never in my waking life, dreaming is my all the time...
It's nice to be green, sea what i mean
It's fab to be red, all tied up in white
It's good to be yellow, all knowing and wise
I'm happy to be coloured, it is good to be me.
i can't belive they kicked out the lead singer. That blows my mind. ahahha.
i also can't wait. How much longer do we have to wait?
i love you so much much much.