1:50am. can't sleep.
i can never sleep because the more i try and think of nothing the more things pop into my head. tonight its a couple things. like the new stretch mark i found underneath my arm pit. so i wrote a note for myself on my computer desk that says "don't forget about the stretchmark underneath your arm pit!" because i know once i wake up tomorrow i will forget and continue to live my life happily until one day im looking in the mirror and it suprises me again. fucking stretchmarks.
i watched a 90210 marathon today. started at 12. didnt leave the couch all day or night.
another thing i was thinking of while trying to sleep was what the hell i want to do next in life. im ready for something else. so i was thinking about taking a sewing class, learn how to make clothes. that kinda interests me. but then i was thinking about how good i paint my own nails and maybe i could take esthetics or whatever and paint peoples nails for a living. maybe i would get so good that celebrities would fly me out to LA and NY to do their nails for a rediculous price! and that could be what i do for the rest of my life. until i meet an adorable tattood boy, maybe hes not tattood. just an adorable boy who treats me right and maybe wants to have one kid and a dog. maybe we could live in canada? or maybe not. maybe wed live in a suburb of NJ or NY or fucking wisconsin, i dunno.
scratch both those ideas. i just want to sleep. sleep, and NOT work at value village anymore.
its hard to live life day by day when all you do is think about the future.
anyways, i'm gonna go lie in bed and think until my brain explodes. pft....i couldnt BE so lucky. at least if my brain exploded id get some sleep.
i can never sleep because the more i try and think of nothing the more things pop into my head. tonight its a couple things. like the new stretch mark i found underneath my arm pit. so i wrote a note for myself on my computer desk that says "don't forget about the stretchmark underneath your arm pit!" because i know once i wake up tomorrow i will forget and continue to live my life happily until one day im looking in the mirror and it suprises me again. fucking stretchmarks.
i watched a 90210 marathon today. started at 12. didnt leave the couch all day or night.
another thing i was thinking of while trying to sleep was what the hell i want to do next in life. im ready for something else. so i was thinking about taking a sewing class, learn how to make clothes. that kinda interests me. but then i was thinking about how good i paint my own nails and maybe i could take esthetics or whatever and paint peoples nails for a living. maybe i would get so good that celebrities would fly me out to LA and NY to do their nails for a rediculous price! and that could be what i do for the rest of my life. until i meet an adorable tattood boy, maybe hes not tattood. just an adorable boy who treats me right and maybe wants to have one kid and a dog. maybe we could live in canada? or maybe not. maybe wed live in a suburb of NJ or NY or fucking wisconsin, i dunno.
scratch both those ideas. i just want to sleep. sleep, and NOT work at value village anymore.
its hard to live life day by day when all you do is think about the future.
anyways, i'm gonna go lie in bed and think until my brain explodes. pft....i couldnt BE so lucky. at least if my brain exploded id get some sleep.
awesome you do nails and I'll do hair and we'll open our own place and it will bo so fucking cute. and maybe we can both get flown out and i can do hilary's hair while you do her nails. deal.
Just stay up all night, it's much better. I do it all the time and i'm fine. Makes it much easier to go to sleep the next aojp0esdzpeaoszzzzzzzzzz