More tattoo work this weekend. Along with an Images of Violence show. I have joined the Texas based band Insidious Decrepancy as the drummer. We leave for a 17 day trek through the European wilderness May 4th with Godless Truth from the Czech. Republic. Should be very fucking cool.
I think I get to go to Europe 5 seperate times this year. Wow. The sun...
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I think I get to go to Europe 5 seperate times this year. Wow. The sun...
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So I started playing 2nd Guitar for Images of Violence this last week. You can check them out at Images of Violence That should be some fun. Pretty far removed from being the drummer in every band.
I'm getting some cool drums'for'hire offers this year. Which would involve me uprooting my whole life. So I have some things to ponder. Deeply.
You can get samples...
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I'm getting some cool drums'for'hire offers this year. Which would involve me uprooting my whole life. So I have some things to ponder. Deeply.
You can get samples...
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million $$ baby what a sad flick!
but hey! do me a favour, watch letterman 2nite my friend is the drummer in the featured band!
but hey! do me a favour, watch letterman 2nite my friend is the drummer in the featured band!
same happens to me when i look at beksinski's work... and have you head the music on his website... the whole effect got me psyched
Also cute to see your birthday is on the same day as mine.