I've been thinking a lot lately about whether 2021 was better or worse than 2020.
On the surface, I'd say 2020 was demonstrably worse. But, I've had so many ups and downs this year, I can't really tell. On one hand, 2020 was sustainably bad – like, every single day. on the other hand, 2021 brought about a lot of great, wonderful things. It's just...
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It's so weird to think about where I was last year and where I am now.

2 months before the pandemic, I moved from Seattle to San Francisco for an incredible job opportunity. But, little did I know, that I'd only get 8 weeks of normal life. As soon as the office shutdown and lockdown started, any hope of making friends and meeting people went...
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Thank you for sharing this! It's always good to take a look back sometimes. I finally made a step to change my life and I'm so happy about it! <3
@rare So happy to hear that!

As my social media profiles begin to collapse (professional vs. personal), I'm running out of places to speak my mind, because there's always a good chance a family member will see it and freak out. So, I've decided to share this post here, because I don't think any of my relatives are on here and literally everyone here seems to be cool as hell.

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i have seen your symptoms in others before (I have been working with people for 50+ years)... slamming drugs into kids who don't fit the mold at an early age... deeply fucked up and does leave those biochemical scars which the same community basically gives no fucks about.  alternative medicine, acupuncture etc. can help mellow things out, but once a biochemical hole has been drilled into the body, it has to be filled in kind--thus the caffeine etc.  strenuous workouts can help by creating their own hormonal haze, and being a fairly picky eater - the closer to vegan, the more impact meds will have as the body is 'thinner' or quicker to process stuff.  lately i have been smitten by a young Norwegian singer, Aurora, who was allowed to run around the school to calm herself down, and generally was raised in the woods... now, in her mid-20s she has 2.2 billion hits on Spotify and counting.  one of her messages is that if all you do all day long is lie in bed and wait for the next day, that's fine... her motto "being human is an extreme sport" - check out her "HAIK" youtube and the "Norisdrom.. --i can never spell it, but it's the one in the cathedral from a few years ago).  ... also Buddhism or Hinduism - both teach that the 'normal' state is a moderate state of struggle--ironically that causes us to be less judgy about not being happy.  they consider happiness to be the exception, and to be fully enjoyed but not to measure ourselves by it. --rather more realistic than the Christian view which basically says winners are always happy and blessed by God, everyone else is damned and deserves it. anyway.. yes this is a mostly secure site - particularly since you can set the parameters of who sees your blogs in the first place: public / members  / friends.