Man, what a stressful week... I still have to do 2 major reports(due monday and tuesday), and one mini report due this friday. This is not counting regular homework. Sigh.
My brain is so shot its ridiculous. I can't proofread worth a damn at this point, thank god for the writing center. I still have to conduct the research for the model UN report, which is proving to be very difficult. Damnit!
And then, I still have to read the majority of the first volume of the Goebbels diarys (A mighty 450+ pages, that bastard wrote a lot) and present a cohesive arguement about why historians and my 'colleagues' should investigate the Goebbels diaries themselves.
Did I mention, that the week after this coming week, I have to write yet another cohesive essay concerning Gellately's monograph "backing Hitler"? That book is also 500 pages, and man... it is really dry at points. I lose my train of though every 5 pages or so it gets so boring.
My brain is so shot its ridiculous. I can't proofread worth a damn at this point, thank god for the writing center. I still have to conduct the research for the model UN report, which is proving to be very difficult. Damnit!
And then, I still have to read the majority of the first volume of the Goebbels diarys (A mighty 450+ pages, that bastard wrote a lot) and present a cohesive arguement about why historians and my 'colleagues' should investigate the Goebbels diaries themselves.
Did I mention, that the week after this coming week, I have to write yet another cohesive essay concerning Gellately's monograph "backing Hitler"? That book is also 500 pages, and man... it is really dry at points. I lose my train of though every 5 pages or so it gets so boring.
I was thinking movie at Southdale (do you know where that is, or at least have an idea?), they have the nice stadium seating on most of the screens and all since that theater's fairly new. Cheaper than the Mall of America theater, too.
I don't know if you'd want to eat there though, since the fast food places all charge more since it's a mall, and then they've got a few nicer places in there...there's a Ruby Tuesdays in there, though, so that might work.
Just throwing out ideas.
If not, you can take 35W south to the 66th Street exit, take a right, and follow 66th to York.