Kind of funny, I only have one friend, and ive been on this site for a while. I guess I'm just as cripplingly shy on the internet as in real life. Damnit.
Well i guess i can squeeze in a journal entry into my hellish reality of chinese.
hmm lets seee. what i did today.....
Well besides the obvious grueling hours of chinese, i managed to make a few hours tolerable by doing my homework in the sun right near Coffman Union. Its really nice there the view is pretty nice and there is a fountain... and i am rambling.....
Well that was the high point of my day anyway. BIG PROBLEM, MY SUBSCRIP runs out the 21ST and i dont have my replacemnent debit card to replace my stolen one yet.
Hopefully i will meet someone on here fromthe twin cities and give em nine bucks cash for it.
Otherwise I'm fucked until i can get my replacement card. last time it took like a fucking month to get it in the mail.
Ill have to put my diary into word docs again.
I dunno what happens when it runs out, i hope it doesnt wipe my profile and diary, but i imagine that it would, cause.... I'm rambling my ass off here.
I ATE AT CHIPOTLEs again cause my meal plan didnt work. And the lady was a fucking asshole about it. i KNOW i have a meal plan, i paid for it, but my card doesn't fucking work.
But chipotles was good. And when is it not? Except that it gouged my wallet i suppose.
oh praise to whatever higher power there is, because i got the power cord for my stereo that i left at home. I was using these crap-ass headphones before i got it, which was hard when i was trying to do homework and watched all my legally obtained dvd's of television shows and listen to my crappy chinese CDs which are hard to understand.
Arr me mateys