Got a christina piercing and stretched my horizontal to an 8 gauge. Yay Pics are in my Me'n Stuff album. We were going to have my nips stretched to an 8 but our piercer felt I should wait just a few more weeks, and she's the boss.
The interview seemed to go well from what my husband can tell. There isn't any question about his... Read More
Busy working. Constant computer work (grant writing) at the nonprofit, which is now 3 1/2 times a week so I'm very anti-computers when I get home. Sorry for the absenses, but I do try to jump on occasionally. My eyes hate computer monitors after too many hours in a succession, so 8-9 hrs of it I can barely see the screen (or much of anything... Read More
I saw Star Trek AGAIN with the hubbin. He wanted to see it in IMAX before it left the IMAX theater here (which is this Thursday). This makes three times for me and four times for him. Luckily I love the characters, especially Kirk and Spock. The characters were very well developed and the actors did an amazing job... Read More
lol thanks =) its all good though. it seems that it gets worse when i wake up from sleeping for a couple hours. if im awake and just relaxing in bed its not so bad so it must be something im doing in my sleep lol
thanks girlie! and yupp that was watermelon...soooo good...fruit is like the only thing i can eat besides icepops so i've been eating lots. but i really could go for a big burger haha
My hair has been taking over the world, so I decided to get it trimmed. It's so thick and grows so fast, it's like a creature all its own.
After I get it cut I always have to shower cuz the hair trimmings go everywhere. Seriously, my hair just encompasses all life in whatever way it can. Thus, I never get it blow-dried; I just... Read More
Something I wrote back in January. Can't remember if I already posted this, and I'm too lazy to look, but I re-read it the other day and felt a desire to post it:
Dichotomy is an illusion. Its existence is socially constructed. In fact, all concepts are subjective; intangible and manmade, they rely on the people of a society to create and define them. Thus,... Read More
It was funny cause we did a raffle type thing and we drew 4 tickets and the people just werent there, so in the end we threw a t-shirt and told who ever caught it they won. They guy didnt even know what he had won till we explained what SG was. You should have seen his face light up hahhahah.
I should probably just admit this and get it over with...
Posting pictures on here is exceptionally difficult for me. I guess you could say I'm using SG as a theraputic way to move past my body-image issues. So the comments you all leave me really are appreciated--more than you might think--though I still doubt the sincerity of some of them at times, NOT... Read More
I understand how you feel. My wonderful wife has the same kind of issues about her body and to she is so beautiful and sexy. The media's focus on a woman's figure and what is considered sexy / beautiful is so skewed. It makes for low self esteem which is something that angers me.
I stumbled on some pics my hubby took a few months back I'd forgotten about (pre-SG).
They would be the new album
If you wanted to see me looking real, well this would be it. Feel free to comment if you feel up to it. I'm curious to see if you all still think I'm as "perfect" as some of you proclaim.
Ha-ha lame but too funny,I'm glad I just now saw that or I would have used it all day.Maybe tomorrow for cinco de mayo it can be "may the fifth be with you".As in fifth of jack or whatever your drink of choice is.Thanks for adding me as A friend,your hubby is a lucky guy.
Sorta like here, all the big problems are around Phoenix and Tucson. I live a little outside of Tucson so all the drug and human smugglers seem to bypass us and go to the bigger places. So it is almost tame here, surprisingly. For some reason I thought Ft. Myers was on the east side, thanks for clearing that up for me hehe
Glad the interview went well. Fingers crossed!