I am the best wife ever.
I saw Star Trek AGAIN with the hubbin. He wanted to see it in IMAX before it left the IMAX theater here (which is this Thursday). This makes three times for me and four times for him. Luckily I love the characters, especially Kirk and Spock. The characters were very well developed and the actors did an amazing job with their parts. Yea, admittedly I really <3 the movie overall. Still, this is almost $85 spent on this movie thus far, and he hasn't even bought the collector's addition Blu Ray of it yet (which he will if they make it, which they will because it would be foolish not to).
Anyway, more randomness.

Now, in the car on the way to the movie.

He was being a grump so I decided to fix it

He totally loves me, even if he's a grouch at times.

Oh, and I'm SO EXCITED about the new Transformers movie!
It'll be out and in our IMAX on our anniversary!! Rockstar!
Alright, off to fight with my new iPod. My old one broke (an 80G) and we just got an 8G Nano for the time being (since I might decide to get the iPhone in the future and I see NO REASON wasting money on anything more than this right now--he thought I should get the iTouch but that's just a waste of $80...hah, I'm so frugal.)
G'nite kids. Hope you had a great weekend, and have an even better week!
I saw Star Trek AGAIN with the hubbin. He wanted to see it in IMAX before it left the IMAX theater here (which is this Thursday). This makes three times for me and four times for him. Luckily I love the characters, especially Kirk and Spock. The characters were very well developed and the actors did an amazing job with their parts. Yea, admittedly I really <3 the movie overall. Still, this is almost $85 spent on this movie thus far, and he hasn't even bought the collector's addition Blu Ray of it yet (which he will if they make it, which they will because it would be foolish not to).
Anyway, more randomness.

Now, in the car on the way to the movie.

He was being a grump so I decided to fix it

He totally loves me, even if he's a grouch at times.

Oh, and I'm SO EXCITED about the new Transformers movie!

Alright, off to fight with my new iPod. My old one broke (an 80G) and we just got an 8G Nano for the time being (since I might decide to get the iPhone in the future and I see NO REASON wasting money on anything more than this right now--he thought I should get the iTouch but that's just a waste of $80...hah, I'm so frugal.)
G'nite kids. Hope you had a great weekend, and have an even better week!

lol thanks =) its all good though. it seems that it gets worse when i wake up from sleeping for a couple hours. if im awake and just relaxing in bed its not so bad so it must be something im doing in my sleep lol
thanks girlie! and yupp that was watermelon...soooo good...fruit is like the only thing i can eat besides icepops so i've been eating lots. but i really could go for a big burger haha