Things are going quite well. CT's been gorgeous, and only now is it starting to get cold. My step-dad outfitted my SUV with all-weather tires (since she's only known hot climates) and had it checked to make sure it was ready for the winter. My mom LOVES my cat, so she's been able to stay here with me without any problems. I think it's also...
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I'm moving to CT this weekend, and it's a good move. My husband (soon to be ex) will probably be moving closer to some friends here in TX soon.
All my family is up inCT, and I finally feel like I'm myself again. 9 years is a long time to be married--a third of my life. And a long time to be away from...
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I'm moving to CT this weekend, and it's a good move. My husband (soon to be ex) will probably be moving closer to some friends here in TX soon.
All my family is up inCT, and I finally feel like I'm myself again. 9 years is a long time to be married--a third of my life. And a long time to be away from...
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Best of luck with the move!
Ct or TX. I think you have the better deal in CT.
Yesterday I posted a small rant about a link a friend posted on FB, which then spurned a Note, and finally into a full-blown blog entry.
This rant can also be found here: or on my blog on blogspot. I link the Xomba one here since there are articles written by other people you might find interesting as well about this general topic.
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This rant can also be found here: or on my blog on blogspot. I link the Xomba one here since there are articles written by other people you might find interesting as well about this general topic.
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I agree....... Christian creationism is not about free thinking, it is not about considering any other belief then the one being espoused. Christian creationism is mostly Southern Baptist Convention type thinking, that women should not work or hold position of power in the church, that there is only one God, their God and not yours if you don't believe in the same skewed philosophy. Christian creationism is not about inclusion, but exclusion. Christian creationism is very similar to radical Islamist theory, their way or you die.
Cameron is a flake but people do listen to him
and others like him.
Cameron is a flake but people do listen to him

Life is interesting.
Still not sure what's going to come of all of this. I mean, I know where I will be.. I know I'll be fine.
But that's not what I'm worried about...
Fear is a powerful thing..
Prayers are still appreciated.
Still not sure what's going to come of all of this. I mean, I know where I will be.. I know I'll be fine.
But that's not what I'm worried about...
Fear is a powerful thing..
Prayers are still appreciated.
Well I hope things turn out the best for you!
Thanks! I really can't wait.
Sounds like you could use some escaping yourself.
Sounds like you could use some escaping yourself.
Hey kids.
Sorry, went anonymous for a little while there. I didn't actually delete anything.
I'm still in some life transitions so...yea. But I'm not gone for good, at least not right now.
Thanks to those that noticed me gone and checked into see how I was/am fairing. I am tempted to believe that everything is starting to stabilize, but we'll see. Of course, I'll...
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Sorry, went anonymous for a little while there. I didn't actually delete anything.
I'm still in some life transitions so...yea. But I'm not gone for good, at least not right now.
Thanks to those that noticed me gone and checked into see how I was/am fairing. I am tempted to believe that everything is starting to stabilize, but we'll see. Of course, I'll...
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I was in San Francisco when you went missing and by the time I got back on the computer you were gone
To say the least I was saddened by your departure. I do hope things are going better......

Things are rough.
Prayers are appreciated.
Prayers are appreciated.
Hey sweetie,
Sorry you're in a bad place, hope things get better/easier for you soon. Shoot me a line if you want to talk.
Oh, to answer your question, CFA means Chartered Financial Analyst, I'm not sure how to describe it. First time I heard of it, it was described to me as a kind of Bar Exam for people who work in Finance. Since it not required to practice finiance thats not a perfect metaphor, but you get the idea. The program takes a minimum of four years. You can take the Level 1 exam your senior year and the Level 2 as soon as you have a degree, but you can't take the Level 3 exam or apply for membership until you have worked for four years in a professional financial occupation.
And it ridiculously hard. Level 1 is not quite as hard as the CPA exam, Level 2 is a little harder than most Bar Exams, and Level 3 is just one of the hardest tests out there.
Is it sick I'm kinda looking forward to it?
Bye beautiful.
And this too shall pass.
Sorry you're in a bad place, hope things get better/easier for you soon. Shoot me a line if you want to talk.
Oh, to answer your question, CFA means Chartered Financial Analyst, I'm not sure how to describe it. First time I heard of it, it was described to me as a kind of Bar Exam for people who work in Finance. Since it not required to practice finiance thats not a perfect metaphor, but you get the idea. The program takes a minimum of four years. You can take the Level 1 exam your senior year and the Level 2 as soon as you have a degree, but you can't take the Level 3 exam or apply for membership until you have worked for four years in a professional financial occupation.
And it ridiculously hard. Level 1 is not quite as hard as the CPA exam, Level 2 is a little harder than most Bar Exams, and Level 3 is just one of the hardest tests out there.
Is it sick I'm kinda looking forward to it?
Bye beautiful.
And this too shall pass.
Please be well 

Hey everyone. Just got back from my 2 week visit to CT.
There's a lot going on with me right now, more than I'd anticipated, so I won't be on for a while most likely.
Hope all is well with you.
There's a lot going on with me right now, more than I'd anticipated, so I won't be on for a while most likely.
Hope all is well with you.
be well, and best wishes on the changes/challenges
Good luck with it all. I hope some of what's going on is good at least.
Thanks for the positive feedback on my set "Pyroerotica", it was sweet of you <3!
LOL, you gotta be fun at parties. Thanks for making me smile.
Real quick: All moved in to our new place in Texas! We got everything accomplished a day early, which was rockstar.
We're recooping after the loading into the Penske, the 20 hr drive, and the mad-rush unloading that took place on the 4th. The hubby of course had to do the majority of moving (since I'm just not that strong) but I was able to...
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We're recooping after the loading into the Penske, the 20 hr drive, and the mad-rush unloading that took place on the 4th. The hubby of course had to do the majority of moving (since I'm just not that strong) but I was able to...
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Haha, no, I may not know you but it does make me feel better that there are people in the world who aren't going also. So... thanks!

How is Texas treating you two so far? Saw the news, seems to be a heat wave there, yuck LOL.
Quick update:
The hubby got the job in Houston (he found out Monday), so we are in the process of moving... We leave here July 1st, move into our apartment down there July 5th, and he starts July 8th!
Needless to say, I'm super busy and will update further once we're settled.
Thank you EVERYONE for your positive thoughts/prayers/vibes/etc!
Keep sending that energy! Everything seems...
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The hubby got the job in Houston (he found out Monday), so we are in the process of moving... We leave here July 1st, move into our apartment down there July 5th, and he starts July 8th!
Needless to say, I'm super busy and will update further once we're settled.
Thank you EVERYONE for your positive thoughts/prayers/vibes/etc!

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You guys are going to have an awesome party!!! WE WANT PICS!!!
Sorry you had such a hard year.
I wish you the best and hope your 2010 is better.
Happy Holidays
- Ben