An image from some of the work I've been up to. =)
I love it !
Hey SG, I just wanted to take a second to let the interweb know that my online portfolio is live. Checka checka check it out. Lemme know what you think!!! =)
very nice pic !
Seven years. Seven crazy years. Seven roller coaster years. Seven years since I've posted anything on SG. Seven years since I've even though about coming onto this website. Seven years to completely change, reinvent, grow, fall apart, become whole and accept life. I look back at my profile now and think "Christ this shit's been up here for seven years?" I'm not even close to...
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Lol yeah that's basically it. And thanks!
I think that sometimes, I'm like "Oh, I've been naked on here longer than most of the models have been old enough to pose for the site...." Oh man.
I hate this.
thank you
i feel more like me now, i always need to shave part of my head. i went 4 yrs with a chealsey, so it feels natural to me now haha.
what is it you hate???
what is it you hate???
You ok love?
Thanks for the great bday song, that was so awsome! I had a good time, thats for sure.. I'm broke as fuck now, but it was worth it!
Thanks for the great bday song, that was so awsome! I had a good time, thats for sure.. I'm broke as fuck now, but it was worth it!
Awwwwwww, what a sad entry! I'm sorry love! .... but yea, fuck valentines day.
BUT - HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY!!! Drink your worries away tonight hun.
BUT - HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY!!! Drink your worries away tonight hun.
Interesting entry...
I can't stop reading lately. My newst obbsesion has become the graphic novel. I can't keep my paws away from them. Late night noir and science fiction are becoming the lovers in my bed. Between Shiro Masmunes Ghost in the Shell I and II and Jim Lee's rendition of Batman in "Hush" I and II I think I'm going to be a busy boy.
i build giant interactive white boards... and i co run a underground music lable
Yeah I got some rest,
I ended up drinking cocktails alone til 2 am,
oh well.
I ended up drinking cocktails alone til 2 am,
oh well.
So, I had a rough night of drinking last night only to awaken to family drama 4 hours later. its funny how seeing someone in a new light can put a new perspective on how you view the rest of your life. I've been in silent mood all day and i haven't been able to reach my outlet.... however I just listened Orbitals "Halcyon and...
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Hey! Thanxs for the sweet msg on my set.
im not incongnito (im a horrible speller though
) fine ill uploade more pics
I'm gonna hit the ground runninng on this place soon. I might as well I'm paying for it right?
Anywho these girls are in a class all their own, their almost cosmic by design.
yeah but most of them dont even look like that in real life ![wink](
Maybe but the ones I know do
[Edited on Jul 01, 2005 6:23PM]
[Edited on Jul 01, 2005 6:23PM]