i need to thank everyone so much for the kind words. i went to philly to be around friends and to get out of York PA. i really needed that. i got to hail a taxi for the first time, i got served at this awesome bar and i went to the gay pride festival.... it was so much fun.. my friends apartment on the 12th floor had this amazing veiw and i was introduced to these awesome girls. my friends photos at her gallery were so impressive. those kids are so talented... i just wish i was rich and i could buy all there art work. im just really proud of my friend, her work was just stunning! well now i have to go to work and plan all these arangements. the funeral is thurs. so everyone wish me luck and your words mean the world to me!
haven't got into arcade fire, but i love bikini kill, riot girl music is a secret passion, even though i've been called a total lesbian for it, heh