Holy Shit! I'm back from "no-internet" hell!
How is everyone?
There's been a lot going on since my last full post...
SallySeersucker and I rescued a kitty from a local animal shelter.
His name is Griffin. He's 8 years old and deaf. He is the most lovable, well-tempered cat I have ever seen! I hope he's as happy with us as we are with him.
Then I spent a few days with Bootsy Collins and James Brown's old band.
This was on Bootsy's bass rig.
After Bootsy, I spent a week with...
The whole band was great and Mo was a very nice guy (and very jet-lagged).
Apparently he has a huge Latino following, which resulted in the construction of a giant Mexican flag gong.
And finally, I'll leave you with a picture of Rodney Bigenhiemer (KROQ) and Brian Wilson (The Beach Boys) at a Denny's in Hollywood.
(They're in the background).
Currently Listening to:
Tom Waits "Down, Down, Down"
How is everyone?
There's been a lot going on since my last full post...
SallySeersucker and I rescued a kitty from a local animal shelter.

His name is Griffin. He's 8 years old and deaf. He is the most lovable, well-tempered cat I have ever seen! I hope he's as happy with us as we are with him.
Then I spent a few days with Bootsy Collins and James Brown's old band.

This was on Bootsy's bass rig.
After Bootsy, I spent a week with...

The whole band was great and Mo was a very nice guy (and very jet-lagged).
Apparently he has a huge Latino following, which resulted in the construction of a giant Mexican flag gong.

And finally, I'll leave you with a picture of Rodney Bigenhiemer (KROQ) and Brian Wilson (The Beach Boys) at a Denny's in Hollywood.

(They're in the background).
Currently Listening to:
Tom Waits "Down, Down, Down"

Good to have you back buddy

excellent choice of song.