Do you guys have bosses that talk shit about you when you are not at work...I do
Ok well I don't take many sick days, especially since I am paid hourly and we don't really have sick leave, just PTO (which is so stupid because vacation and sick time should be separated) so anyway, I had to call off this week because I was in PAIN so much so I actually went to the doctor which is sometime I never do. Well I ended up being sicker than I thought and I wouldn't be able to work, especially the long hours I work. So called the boss told her, and on the phone she showed such sympathy..So Sweet. Well she's the kind of boss that discusses workers' personal business when they are not around, so basically she told people I was faking, blah blah. When I found out I got sad because even though I really can't stand the job, I really do give my all and then some. I mean, it's not like I'm some new worker, I've been there for almost 2 years which gives me veteran status in the line of work I am in. Besides going on vacation earlier this year, I have never called off for days at a time. In fact, I even help fill in when others call off most of the time. I don't know, it just really hurt my feelings, but maybe I'm a lilttle bit too sensitive. When I see her, I just want to throw my med bills at her and tell the bitch to pay them for me. Granted I do have insurance (thank goodness I didnt cancel it when I wanted to) i'm fucking broke!
Oh well, my health is coming around and I feel so much better now. And I lost 10lbs
Sorry this was so long but I hope all is well with everyone.

Oh well, my health is coming around and I feel so much better now. And I lost 10lbs

Sorry this was so long but I hope all is well with everyone.
keeping taking your meds so you can get better and kick her ass