@bloghomework @rambo @missy
Here are my favorite urban Legends.
5.) A babysitter puts the children to bed. Suddenly a string of strange phone calls are recieved at the house. The babysitter calls the police. They set up a trace on the incoming phone calls. Finally the strange caller calls again. He says, "Have you checked the children?" The police interupt the call, and say "The call is coming from Inside the house!" Frantic the babysitter runs up the stairs, only to find a pile of bloody blankets on each bed, and an open window with a curtain blowing in the wind.
4.) Here's a couple urban legends from around here in South Shore Massachusetts. We have many.
There's a long stretch of road a couple towns over. On each side is all corn fields. Supposedly years ago a little girl was hit by a speeding car on this road. And if you drive down it at night, going over 65 miles an hour. The little girl appears in the road.
3.) This one is from the same town, same road. There is a large Albino family who own all the houses down there. They are the product of years of inbreeding. And sometimes you can see them, sitting on their porches. Staring out into the road.
2.) A girl with a big fluffy saint bernard comes home after a night of studying. She lays on her bed with her dog, and opens a book. As the night goes on. The dog gets up to wander the house. The girl continues reading. She becomes tired, and puts the book down. Her arm dangles next to the bed. She feels a warm, wet tongue lapping her hand. She allows it to continue. She dozes off to sleep. Moments later, she awakens to barking coming from outside of the house. Her dog is on the front lawn, locked outside. On the wall the words, "Humans can lick too!" Is scrawled in blood.
1.) Another babysitter tale. A babysitter is watching children. They are asleep in bed. She wanders passed an open door, that leads to a dark room. A life sized clown doll, is sitting on a sofa within the room. As the night progresses, the clown moves around positions on the sofa. The babysitter chalks it off to the darkness playing tricks on her eyes. She looks again, and the clown doll is on the floor. The phone rings startling her, she answers. It's the children's mother, asking how things are going. The babysitter says, "Well. Everythings fine. Except for the creepy clown doll you guys have. It seems like it's moving around." The mother responds, "We don't have a clown doll." Before the babysitter can react, she sees a large shadow appear from behind her. And hears a single honk, from something resembling a clown nose.