Hello Dear Readers!
So... here's a little follow up to some of the questions some of you posed in my last journal. Anesthesiologists usually get to pick the music during surgeries because they're usually the only one with free hands. All the other staff are busy and working on things actively whereas gas men (or women) have a lot of down time while a patient is sleeping. Don't get me wrong! Holding the patient in a constant fragile state of general anesthesia is no easy matter, but once the patient is under they usually get to kick back and do other things. Like run the sound system. I used to marvel at the anesthesiologists. They sit there behind this enormous industrial looking cart of monitors and cables and gadgets but then once we're under way, they usually bust out a laptop or a Nintendo of some sort. They have this amazing, scary task to perform and yet they'd sit there reading the Wall Street Journal or playing video games, surfing the net or doing the day's crossword puzzle. They are the calmest, quietest people in the room (well, usually) and I suppose the outside tasks of being the keeper of the playlist helps them keep it real while the case is going on. And, to be honest, they're usually the one who's sitting closest to the electrical outlets which enables them to plug in the stereo easier than the rest of us who are working in and around the sterile field.
The surgeon I work with really seems to have no druthers about what's played during the case. Honestly, he's usually so engrossed and focused, that I wonder if he even knows we've got music going on. I guess that's the way most people would like to think of their surgeons... engrossed and focused.
I don't ever get to choose since I'm usually arriving about 1 hour into the surgery. I suppose if I was there at the start, I could force my iPod into the hands of the gas man du jour but meh. It's really not a big deal most of the time. Tuesday's musical crap fest was just pretty annoying and got me on a rant.
Oh and by the way, my Steelers panties finally arrived.
Just waiting for game day now.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Love to all ♥
So... here's a little follow up to some of the questions some of you posed in my last journal. Anesthesiologists usually get to pick the music during surgeries because they're usually the only one with free hands. All the other staff are busy and working on things actively whereas gas men (or women) have a lot of down time while a patient is sleeping. Don't get me wrong! Holding the patient in a constant fragile state of general anesthesia is no easy matter, but once the patient is under they usually get to kick back and do other things. Like run the sound system. I used to marvel at the anesthesiologists. They sit there behind this enormous industrial looking cart of monitors and cables and gadgets but then once we're under way, they usually bust out a laptop or a Nintendo of some sort. They have this amazing, scary task to perform and yet they'd sit there reading the Wall Street Journal or playing video games, surfing the net or doing the day's crossword puzzle. They are the calmest, quietest people in the room (well, usually) and I suppose the outside tasks of being the keeper of the playlist helps them keep it real while the case is going on. And, to be honest, they're usually the one who's sitting closest to the electrical outlets which enables them to plug in the stereo easier than the rest of us who are working in and around the sterile field.
The surgeon I work with really seems to have no druthers about what's played during the case. Honestly, he's usually so engrossed and focused, that I wonder if he even knows we've got music going on. I guess that's the way most people would like to think of their surgeons... engrossed and focused.
I don't ever get to choose since I'm usually arriving about 1 hour into the surgery. I suppose if I was there at the start, I could force my iPod into the hands of the gas man du jour but meh. It's really not a big deal most of the time. Tuesday's musical crap fest was just pretty annoying and got me on a rant.
Oh and by the way, my Steelers panties finally arrived.

Have a great weekend everyone.
Love to all ♥

I feel the same about the easy finding issues on FB, but I futz around with my name so much, it's hard for people to find me, that and I deny alot of people, lol.
AHAHAHAA So Scott! He makes it remind him to do everything!