A wise man once said that a lack of updates can lead to herpes, so here's an update for the none of you who read this shit. The status quo is maintained, and my life is the same as ever.
Alright god dammit, this War on Porn shit has officially gone too far. They fucking killed my favorite multi set, Apnea and Benni's Water set. That, and they killed Visha's Beautify set. What the fuck is this horseshit?
So... myself and Yaaka are building a robot named Robilly Maxbo. Or at least a statue of a robot. We're gonna make a movie about said robot. It'll be great. So there.
Oh, and I put up a few pictures finally... because I know all you fuckers are curious about me, seeing as how badass I am.
Ozzfest was pretty awesome, at least the 4 bands we went for that weren't shit. I just wish we got Iron Maiden instead of Velvet Revolver, and that The Haunted didn't have to play so early. Also, Jada Pinkett Smith rocking out to Mastadon was pretty awesome.
Have you ever had an interstate highway shut down by the fire department so you and your friend's band can get their 3 wheeled van across from the fast lane to the off ramp? I didn't think so.
We're in the Amn / Western Heartlands / Sword Coast area. I'm playing a Calishite from the Lake of Steam. Hee hee. Should be fun.