Saturday and Sunday were really weird days. I had the time off from work and I hadn't read a good book in awhile and so I wondered in to Boarders and I scanned the aisles without much thought looking for something to jump out at me and two books did. One "Go ask Alice" I remember my Girlfriend had told me it was her Favorite book and she was read it endlessly in highschool ,but I never read it and so there it was and so i decided to buy it. The same day i told her I brought it and we haven't been getting along....anyway she tells me after many years of "us" that Iam mean and I dont say nice things to her and so she wants not to be "us" (its sad and honestly I told I love her and I wanted her to tell me what I said that seemed so nasty or hurtful because Iam not like that and that and it shouldn't be like this) anyway she said she was sick and said her skin is getting puffy and the dr gave her pills and she wouldn't tell me what was wrong. we ended the night very badly and I so i started to read the book and it was really good to hear a story of a young girl growing up and how much she loved her family and how really smart she is and what she wonders about...(I guess the girl grows on you) and you know honestly I both loved and hated the book! I never felt so much disapointment after reading a book in my whole life...It is so very very terrible....(I even was hoping mid point that it was going to be different) how terrible of a thing! what a poor was really just too much sadness for me. I had to cry! I can't say anything good about it and just wondered why why why why why???