I had a damn good nite last night; everything was comming up Dan. Early on, I picked up a tat over by Clark & Belmont (those are just streets). I hope to be posting pics of it...and other stuff...as soon as I get up off my lazy ass and do it. After, I met up with a few people down at Emmits Pub, which was...
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As far as the track bar is concerned- it was going before the crash... but I think the crash made it worse- I have no idea if I hit anything or not... all I remember is hitting a snow patch- losing control and doing a 180 into the bank then freaking out because there were a ton of cars coming at me! When I got out to my Jeep this morning though their was solid snow packed into everywhere- the Tcase, control arms- EVERYWHERE!
Yeah... I'm rather a shy one with the compliments...
[Edited on Jan 06, 2005 7:04PM]