im cuttin out of this lil punk rock girl rock star fake world. elitest indie bitches (guys and gals) piss me off! i like the idea that there are hott girls out there that are not down with your standard stupid bullshit inherent in most sought after girls, but fuck, the same shit happens to these girls too! im sick of the truth that sex...
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im off to go see pretty girls make graves at the casbah here in diego.
these guys kick ass if youve not heard of em!
super stoked! ... never mind the imense amount of work i have! carpe diem biatch!
these guys kick ass if youve not heard of em!
super stoked! ... never mind the imense amount of work i have! carpe diem biatch!
Betta finish yo diss'ertation you jive ass sucka!
whata wknd... soccer girls party fri, pirate party sat. los drugos todos tiempo. now me is muy cansado. there, i did learn somethin in spanglish class. HA!
bein a manwhore can be very tiring, but i accept my responsibilities.
i need to get out of san diego soon...
i also need to devise a plan to get my paws on HOTT SG's... hmmm... i'll be...
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bein a manwhore can be very tiring, but i accept my responsibilities.
i need to get out of san diego soon...
i also need to devise a plan to get my paws on HOTT SG's... hmmm... i'll be...
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I hope tomorrow makes me realize that I am supossed to be with him. I promised I wouldn't hurt him again.

haha. we took so many of those damn couch group shots.. there is only so much one can do.. i decided picking my nose would be the sexy-est. f'reals...
went surfing this morn. it was good. got a nice nw swell which made for waist high waves. got to have me a lil fun in between what seems like an endless loop of workin on my paper. eating less, drinking more tea, and the time is going by to quick for me to realize its dark.
cheers to all. wish me luck, i must...
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cheers to all. wish me luck, i must...
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thanks for your comment
it made me smile
it made me smile

hussy for life.
rah rah rah!!!! crap crap crap!!! i have so much to do and such limited time. i am trying to write a paper on my research so that i can get my frickin MS in physics! if anyone would like to know about levatating cells with a laser and then scattering light off of that suspended cell with another laser than im your man. turns...
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ahhh..shelby and smith, the negative index metamaterials guys are at UCSD right? I'm very interested in their work.
I don't think putting nanoprisms (covered in organics) in cells is a difficult thing...blasting them with a laser beam might be the problem.
I'm taking tons of classes right now---i haven't taken any classes in 2 1/2 years---and am feeling the pressure after slacking for half of the quarter (and i'm not used to the quarter system).
Who do you work for there at UCSD?
I don't think putting nanoprisms (covered in organics) in cells is a difficult thing...blasting them with a laser beam might be the problem.
I'm taking tons of classes right now---i haven't taken any classes in 2 1/2 years---and am feeling the pressure after slacking for half of the quarter (and i'm not used to the quarter system).
Who do you work for there at UCSD?
oh, and you don't need to adsorb them to the silver because one of our faculty here recently made nanoprisms in solution (i'm not sure how large they are though).
halloween wass teh shit! i love halloween, a nite of drinking and masquerading about as something totally foolish! in my case, the werewolf of (souwf!) london, a very drunk one, and a rollin' one too! good times. cant wait till next yr.
went to an awesome pre-halloween party... checkout the pic section- lookin out for yellow contacts for the real deal.
im down with halloween!
what is anyone else going to be?
im down with halloween!
what is anyone else going to be?
You make a good werewolf. *rawr*
I want to get me some funky contacts too. I've always wanted them but they tend to be v expensive
Maybe one day huh.
You make a good werewolf. *rawr*
I want to get me some funky contacts too. I've always wanted them but they tend to be v expensive

Maybe one day huh.
im in ENG-aaahh-LAND!!!!! yey!!!! pints of stella in hyde park for awhile and then off to this dodgy internet cafe to tell you all about it!
i still long to hear from echo, the pretty lil burd that she is! if anyone is in england and reads this, lets hook up, as im not doin a whole lot.... just wanna bounce around till i get...
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i still long to hear from echo, the pretty lil burd that she is! if anyone is in england and reads this, lets hook up, as im not doin a whole lot.... just wanna bounce around till i get...
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i need to make some friends damn it! im tired of this 'no freinds, ha ha ha' thing! grrrrrrrrrr!!!
'chicken fckrs! ha ha ha! how do ya like that!
if anyone lives in hillcrest in san diego im gonna have a cocktail party! yey! seriously, contact me... girls
anyone is welcome tho


if anyone lives in hillcrest in san diego im gonna have a cocktail party! yey! seriously, contact me... girls

anyone is welcome tho
so im taking what is to be my last f-in class after 7yrs of uni. god its a longtime in the comin. and of course i would be failing the class and everything rides on the final- if i pass, i pass. if i fail, i fail. that simple. course destiny would have it end this way- shouldve known. damn it.
im way to...
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im way to...
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so, i just created a profile- bout time i spose. hope someone comments.
im going to england in week!!!!! yey!!! to the pubs and clubs! and o how i long for a pint of stella!
im lookin for things to do over there if anyone has any ideas!?!?
im going to england in week!!!!! yey!!! to the pubs and clubs! and o how i long for a pint of stella!

im lookin for things to do over there if anyone has any ideas!?!?
find hot girls, stalk stalk stalk
the girl in my profile picture is nala