So the holidays are fast upon us. Not sure about x-mas this year. It seems the older my son gets the more expensive his taste is. Of course ps3 games are a certain smile maker, but hey it's not like they give them away. Might have to go gambling to round up some extra money for him this year. More immediate is turkey day. I'm quite certain it will be a blurr for me. I am working my regular job all this week, plus djing all weekend at the bar. Then even though next week is a short one, I'll be putting in almost 40 hours in those three days and I am going to dj wednesday night too. I'm not sure how it is elsewhere in the world, but up here thanksgiving eve is the busiest bar night of the year. It should be good, but my ass will be full on dragging Thursday. Eating turkey probably won't help much. I think I can look forward to a few 5 hour energy drinks. Thank god I'll be able to rest up Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Well I know it's early but happy turkey day to you all.
Thanks for add!
Hey!! greets