Seattle Flash Makeout ... ever heard of it? No? Its a thing and pretty cool. They set a time, date and an location. Then they go to the place and mill about non-chalantly. Then dude get on the maga-phone and says, "Ladies and Gentlemen, start your engines!!" and everyone procedes to make out for about five minutes. Today they did it out front of the Pacific Science Center by the space needle. I brought my camera (as I have no one to make out with cuz my wife never wants to go!!) and snapped some shots, but was so busy trying to be nan-chalant that I forgot to check the settings. It was set to 1600 ISO and florescent white balance. Lame they cam out grainy and blue. But I adjusted them a little and you can see them here:
I told Krabuki about it, cuz she was here, but didn't get a chance to meet her and go (sorry!). Mebbe next time!
I told Krabuki about it, cuz she was here, but didn't get a chance to meet her and go (sorry!). Mebbe next time!

That makes me all fuzzy inside!!! I especially like the sorta shocked/confused onlookers...