Another year has passed since my last birthday. November 20th. Now 32, feeling great, but, somewhat let down.
The plan for my birthday was simple, meet up with a large group of friends, hang out and chill all night. What actually happened was half the people canceled last minute, or just didn't show up at all. So, there were 7 of us, which was still pretty great, played some board games, had some laughs, but, wasn't the turnout I expected. I guess I need to work(job) less, and work on being a better friend..... Or, maybe expanding my circle of friends, as it's rather limited due to my recent relocation, and busy work schedule. Or, both, yes, that's the one. Better relationships, with more people. Lets do that.
Birthday started great, Wednesday night, just getting ready for bed, around 12:30am, so I'd be up for work at 6am... Get a text and a call from a new friend, wishing me a happy birthday, and, they were out at the bar, and need a ride home. SO, rather than jumping in bed, I jumped in the car. Picked them up, and thought I was dropping them both at the same place, between my house and the bar, so quick trip. Turns out, I was taking them each to their own homes, and, the second house is the far end of town... She's the cuter one anyway, so I enjoyed the company, and we ran through some vacant parking lots to spin out a couple times in the snow/ice, one thing I'll miss once I replace my car. Mustang is super fun to drive in controlled drifts, so, sliding around corners when it's intentional is super easy. Unfortunately it's just as easy in heavy traffic surrounded by absent minded drivers... So, needless to say, didn't get home till just before 2am, woke up at 530, bought a couple dozen doughnuts for the crew at work, and had a great birthday, not even tired. But, waking up this morning after getting more sleep, I could barely get out of bed, nearly called in to say I'd be late by a couple hours and going back to bed, but..... i managed to get up, but was half useless all day. And, yet, I'm still awake now at nearly 1am....
But, in summation, shopping for a new truck, another year older, and, new life plan/goals.
Have a great day. Sorry I went off on tangents there, might be getting tired.... ;)