Bleh, been doing lots of renovations. Finishing some rooms, still lots to go on others. It's a lengthy process, and I feel bad when I'm not working on the house, but sometimes I just need to do something else.
My lil sisters huskies have been helping as well, by being fluffy and cute, here's a dog in a box.
I set up some of my stuff in my sisters place since I won't be formally/officially moving in to my place for another couple weeks at least due to the lack of a kitchen, put out some swords in a lil corner of my room. Excuse the messiness in the foreground, not enough storage space for all my random boxes since i don't want to unpack now only to repack and unpack again inside a month.
I built myself a nice little computer desk to fit under the stairs in the new place, so I've at least got my computer set up and moved in, just means I need to come here to use it, so all my updates will be from the computer, though I still check in from my phone from anywhere.
That's all for now, hopefully I can check in more and more often and get more active on the site once I'm fully moved in and comfortable. Until then, have a good one!!