so, for the past 2.5yrs, I've been working as a security guard at a college. Low pay, no respect (not even from the company that payed me) and crap hours. So, I decided to forget doing a new years resolution, and just make a change. So, I gave notice back in November, and worked my last day there on Christmas day. Then, spent New Years with my girlfriend, and packed up and left on New Years Day.
36 hours of drive time later, I now live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Looking for work, and helping my little sister renovate two houses. Unfortunately, relationship with my girlfriend is suffering, but 3000+kms will do that. Not sure how much longer we will last. Originally the plan was for her to come out when she graduated in April, but, now she's making reasons not to come out. So, hopefully she decides a new province will be better, but, we shall see.
Once the renovation at my house is done, I will be starting a new diet. Going Paleo, so should be interesting. Already cut back several of the non-paleo foods/snacks. But, right now I'm living with my sister and brother-in-law, as my place has no kitchen. So, once I've got an entire fridge to myself, the new diet should be pretty easy to maintain, but, I will need nearly an entire fridge, just for all the fresh veggies and meat I will be eating.
My phone is acting up, so hopefully I caught all the errors its making.
I hope to get somepictures up soon, but lots of stuff still in boxes, and my camera is at one house, computer at the other....
All for now. ;)