yesterday I went in Milan to a concert, first I listen to a young songswriter called Le luci della centrale elettrica (the lights of the electricity station?), very interesting with surrealistics and original lirycs

Then the Zen Circus, an indie band from Tuscany featuring Brian Richie of Violent Femmes, real good show with songs both in italian and english and even one in french and one in serbian.
Italian spoken songs remaind me of Rino Gaetano, a fantastic and famous italan songwriter and singer tragically died years ago.

Then the Zen Circus, an indie band from Tuscany featuring Brian Richie of Violent Femmes, real good show with songs both in italian and english and even one in french and one in serbian.
Italian spoken songs remaind me of Rino Gaetano, a fantastic and famous italan songwriter and singer tragically died years ago.

invece io mi son bevuta 3 burn aspettandola!!!infatti ero parecchio strana..anche nelle foto!!
Ps:Finito guardare i progetti....sono in 3(+1me!)cosa se ne fanno di 4 bagni??????