It has been brought to my attention that i haven't updated for ages
so i thought i'd do a quick one.
Last couple of weeks have been ok,i still havn't been sacked but i am in the red financially-oops!At least i managed to get one last cracking pair of shoes before the end.Pictures of said shoes will follow,possibly appearing in some sort of rude picture-watch this space.....
Kaya has had the last 2 weeks off school for Easter holidays.We went out and had some fun,namely at Wroxham Barns,the Great Yarmouth Amazonian Reptile thingy place and Southwold the home of Adnams Ales.I have a few pictures including some gratuitous art shots,most of which will appear in my picture folder if you're interested.
Heres a couple to whet your appetites:
Goliath the alligator
Burmese Pythons,these were shedding their skins and i have a piece
Giant tortoises
Baby guinea pigs,i'm obssessed,what can i say?The ginger one looks just like my ginger pig too.
I'm also obsessed with goats...
...and chooks
Nice colours
Theres a big amber bed off here,i managed to grab a few bits
And for the finale,a gratutitous arty dune shot!
I also have a friend designing me a Sailor Jerry piece to go across the top of my back,i'm excited about this one haha.
Hope you kids are all good btw.x

Last couple of weeks have been ok,i still havn't been sacked but i am in the red financially-oops!At least i managed to get one last cracking pair of shoes before the end.Pictures of said shoes will follow,possibly appearing in some sort of rude picture-watch this space.....
Kaya has had the last 2 weeks off school for Easter holidays.We went out and had some fun,namely at Wroxham Barns,the Great Yarmouth Amazonian Reptile thingy place and Southwold the home of Adnams Ales.I have a few pictures including some gratuitous art shots,most of which will appear in my picture folder if you're interested.
Heres a couple to whet your appetites:

Goliath the alligator

Burmese Pythons,these were shedding their skins and i have a piece

Giant tortoises

Baby guinea pigs,i'm obssessed,what can i say?The ginger one looks just like my ginger pig too.

I'm also obsessed with goats...

...and chooks

Nice colours


Theres a big amber bed off here,i managed to grab a few bits

And for the finale,a gratutitous arty dune shot!
I also have a friend designing me a Sailor Jerry piece to go across the top of my back,i'm excited about this one haha.
Hope you kids are all good btw.x