MAN I am so fucking cached!! The production was a success!! The footage turned out nice minus a small amount of bizarre audio glitches. I'm running on 10 hrs sleep for the last two nights so I'm off to dream of anaphalactic shock and asthma attacks. ![](
Thanks! I didn't know there were any SGers in the audience. The shoot was hellish, but it turned out reasonably well. My first shoot with good directional mics, so naturally I end up shooting in a space which might as well be The Batcave it has so much reverb, with the only available chairs making truly amazing creaking and popping noises whenever the actors move. Some things you just can't fix in Audition. ah well, I'm anal, so these things bother me. hehehe. Next month's is allready in progress, it's somewhat more ambitious, and also gets to be done in spite of the fact that I'm moving right smack in the middle of the month. Wheee! I'm gonna end up dead. (aren't we all?)