Very Cool!!!!
So my 4yo has been asking a lot of questions about Santa lately, and I always answer them truthfully..

Yes I know Santa well. Yes, he knows what your doing all the time. Yes, he is fat.
(I can answer them truthfully because, of course, I'm Santa.)

Then it dawned on me. I always get sucky presents, but if I'm Santa, maybe I should get...
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Nothing sexy about this, but please vote for my invention. If it makes me rich I can buy all of you stuff off of your wishlists!

I voted!
Got a new hat for fathers day, pretty cool. I'll post pictures a little later.
Going to San Jose California on Business Tomorrow and Thursday, and... tomorrow is my Birthday..

Fun, Fun....

Anybody in that area want to help me celebrate, just send me a message.
thanks for the good wishes....
and update your blog! lol
Ha - Repo says I should update my blog and he is the man so....

Sold the company and working for my new boss now. Made some good scratch and have a good salary now without having to worry about chasing after clients for money and such, so life is good.

Going to get some new ink soon, I'll post pictures.
Does masturbating 2 to 3 times a day make me a bad person?

So basically, if your a guy, it doesn't matter if other people have no proof of the absurd accusations they make about you, judges will believe them because all husbands must be crazy assholes that beat there children and wifes.

The long and short of it is that my brother has to have supervised visits with his children for 6 weeks before he can get...
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OK, So I need talk about this somewhere, so I guess this blog is as good a place as any.

So, my brother lives in Phoenix. He and his wife have been going through a bad divorce for a couple of months now.

Come to find out, his still wife (since nothing has been signed) died Tuesday night.

The saddest part was that there 4yo...
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*hugs* im so very sorry hun, this is terrible
Sounds complicated and is going to be a mess. I see no easy way for your brother.
Much drama at my company. Sometimes I regret being a business owner, it is a lot of hours, not a lot of money, and you are constantly dealing with disgruntled employees. I just need to write the novel and move out into the woods.
I have a headache so bad that it feels like my head is going to explode scanners style.

God I hope things get better for me soon.
i hope things get better for you too.
2010, hope this year is better than 2009!
me too you dont know the half
im glad you enjoyed it i had fun doing it!