I had a very hectic week last week. A lot of shit went wrong, and it seemed like the only things that went right was fixing the things that went wrong. The temperature was a lot colder and my mood was a lot gloomer. It seems like the weathers getting better now and my mood IS definately better. Even though I'm getting sick of work and i'm getting really sick of every local band sounding the fucking same. There's no originality in music anymore, and there are so many rip off bands that the artists that actually take things serious and have creative experience, don't get half a chance. I know it's not that big of a deal to a lot of people, but I have to deal with it at least 10 days out of the month. So this is why I stay in the van with my best friend Mr. Captain Morgan and RC Cola. With this off my chest......
..........i'm off
..........i'm off
thanks for the offer to smuggle in the sparks! that is definetly the way to win my heart! haha...
the show was awesome! iggy is insane!
hope you are well.