lost demons.
So I recently stumbled on some old journal entries on my computer. It was only two years ago. But most of the thoughts seems so foreign. It was almost painful to read. I guess because at the time it was a difficult time for me. I was adjusting to Chicago and I was disappointed in the medical school situation. BUt reading it now...
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So I recently stumbled on some old journal entries on my computer. It was only two years ago. But most of the thoughts seems so foreign. It was almost painful to read. I guess because at the time it was a difficult time for me. I was adjusting to Chicago and I was disappointed in the medical school situation. BUt reading it now...
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I find it sad that Bush tried to unite a country after 9/11 but ended up dividing it even more.
After finding out that Bush gets another 4 years, I'm wondering how much more divided will be we.
After finding out that Bush gets another 4 years, I'm wondering how much more divided will be we.
Today I met a patient who was 34 years old. She was studying to be a nurse and was going to take her board exam on a Thursday. She finished her waitressing shift on the SUnday before. She was reaching for her cell phone in her truck and the next thing she remembers was teetering on the edge of the cement guardrail. She doesn't remember...
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Today I sat through a conference on the Spine. It was pretty interesting for the forst hour. But, soon I became extremely bored and I really felt out of place. I felt like I didn't belong as a doctor. It's pretty bad when you go into a field and don't believe that you belong. But at the same time, I don't want to "fit in"...
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So I finally encountered my greatest fear this month. I knew it would happen sooner or later. But, I didn't see it coming today. As I snuck out of the hospital to go home today, I bumped into a girl I knew from college. This girl lived underneath me in my apartment complex. I never really got to know her before my last year. But...
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I visited one of my mother's uncles today. Our immediate family is not really close to my mother's family. Sometime in the past, my mother's uncles and aunts settled in Sacramento, while she and her parents settled in San Francisco. But recently, we've been trying to stay in touch with them. Now that their children are older and everyone around me is getting married and...
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I usually don't plug bands or artists. But I'm going to make an exception today. I went and saw a band called Project Pimento at the Beach/Park Chalet in SF. It was awesome. It basically consists of a lead singer named Lori Carsillo and four other members. One of the guys is a theremin player. If you don't know what a theremin is, check out:...
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I had the idea rolling around in my head like a year ago... and things finally fell together.
awesome.. i'm glad to see you like Wong Kar Wai. Have you seen that new one he just finished? 2046?
[Edited on Sep 09, 2004 5:14PM]
awesome.. i'm glad to see you like Wong Kar Wai. Have you seen that new one he just finished? 2046?
[Edited on Sep 09, 2004 5:14PM]
So I went to a cafe near my apartment. It's called Happy Donuts. It's cool because it's open 24/7 and has wireless internet.
But when I got there, it was full of Abercrombie and Fitch wearing teeny boppers. They were doing chemistry of something. But, it's weird seeing teens. I wonder if I was ever like that before. All bubbly and full of aspirations. I...
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But when I got there, it was full of Abercrombie and Fitch wearing teeny boppers. They were doing chemistry of something. But, it's weird seeing teens. I wonder if I was ever like that before. All bubbly and full of aspirations. I...
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So today I returned back to my apartment in Palo Alto. I am currently rotating at Stanford Hospital at their Rehab Ward. I'll be in Cali for the next 8-10 weeks.
I visited one of my closest friends on Friday. Him and I still keep in contact via telephone. So seeing him in person was no big deal. We fell into our friendship zone as...
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I visited one of my closest friends on Friday. Him and I still keep in contact via telephone. So seeing him in person was no big deal. We fell into our friendship zone as...
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Thanks, Bettina. I love the title.