These days I feel real angry. It's a weird anger because I will laugh and joke about it. But inside I want to go postal. Every wall I see these days, I feel like I can punch a hole through it. Guess I have to go back to kicking my dog and beating my wife.
hey, dont kick the dog or beat the wife...
Im glad yu liked my nipples..hihi
they are a little big...haha
kiss kiss
Not a prob. Yeah. I guess I was in a bad mood that day. Feelin' ok now. Hope you are too. tongue
New year about to begin for me. Kinda nervous starting my third year of residency. Losing some friends to graduation and the real world. But some good friends still sticking around. Going all out this year. The payoff better be worth it.
This year has started out pretty good. Looking forward to this year.

Right now, digging the vacation time. Back in California for a week. Missed Reno this time. Was going to snowboard but couldn't swing it this time. But I'm glad to be off work for a week.

I'm going to get out a little more this year. I feel like I've been in Houston...
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Is it wrong to hate your patients? Sometimes I get these strange dreams of going postal at the VA hospital sometimes. Is that wrong? I think I need a drink.
Happy Birthday sweetie!
and thanks for your comment on my last set! kiss
Thanks for loving my set smile
So I watched Griffith D W's "Birth of Nation." Don't ask me why. I guess it was more out of curiosity. I grew up in California so the South is very foreign to me. I guess I watched it with the perverse intention of trying to understand how the South "became a nation." Let me tell ya. I couldn't watch five minutes of it without...
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ANYONE OUT THERE WITH COOL CHINESE PAINTINGS AS TATTOOS? I need some inspiration for my next tattoo! blush

Those famous initials which stand for Keep In Touch. I never really paid much attention to them until now. And I would have never expected it. But I actually miss my medical school classmates. I almost regret secretly scoffing at their incredible likeness to uber-dorks.

It was somewhere in the middle of driving through Iowa on my way back to California, when I realized...
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happy birthday! kiss
I've finally come to grips with my personality. I am Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

I've always felt that I've had two personalities. Liberal at times. But conservatives at others. Alternative but mainstream. Childish with friends and siblings. But ultra-mature when I interact with adults. A walking paradox. I can't help but act differently when I'm working. And right as I get out of the...
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I finally know where I will be heading for my Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Residency!

All I can say is, "Everything is bigger in Texas, Baby!"
i didn't know people willingly moved to texas.
Oh believe me, it wasn't will. But unfortunately, University of Texas/Baylor College of Medicine is located there.
So I saw the Kings of Convenience at the Double Door in Chicago tonight. It was definitely one of the best concerts I've been to. If you've never heard of them, they are a Norwegian duo who play acoustic indie pop. Earland Oye is also a producer and DJ and has worked with other cool indie bands out there. But both are extremely talented and...
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