Passion returns.. Please let me know what you think
The clock moved slower than normal and surprisingly enough my chair seemed more uncomfortable than I was used to. Thats the price you need to pay when you are finally excited about something in your life. I looked around the office and it was almost empty. Unfortunately working the later shift, I had to wait until everyone else was gone.
You had text me already to let me know that you had made it to the hotel all right, and were going to unpack and get ready for our mini vacation together. I know it was only for a 3 day weekend, but I can only imagine how much stuff you would have brought in for it. Having to unpack? The thought seemed crazy for a short trip, but at least it would give you something to do while I was on my way over.
My phone vibrated as my computer was shutting down, but I didnt have time to check the message. I closed out the computer as the phone vibrated again. I started to worry about you for a second hoping that nothing had gone wrong, as the phone vibrated again.
I shut off the lights and went to lock the door and again there was a vibration on my leg. That was already 3 text messages in the span of a few seconds. Something must be wrong. I locked the door as I felt a 4th message light me up. I grabbed my phone to flip it open and a 5th text message came in.
I looked at the names, and they were all from you, but I noticed the first 4 of them all had attachments with them. They were picture messages. Assuming you just found interesting stuff from the hotel of you were bored and taking random pictures, I felt a little more relieved as I was walking to my car.
The first message loaded and it was a picture of legs and feet from the knees down. The legs were bare, and the feet were in strappy high heels with neatly painted toes. The heels were sexy and fancy, not something for everyday wearing.
I opened the second picture, and it was a picture of a short loose black skirt that cut off just above mid-thigh, taken from a high angle. In the picture you could see the same shoes in it. The legs looked lightly tan and tone.
The third picture was a chest shot. The picture showed off a cute white tank top, with the typical myspace angle, pointing down showing some nice cleavage. The picture again was taken in the same place apparently at the same time in a nice teasing fashion.
Finally in my car, I started it up and took a deep breath before moving onto the last picture. I opened it up and it was a face shot of you blowing me a kiss. Nice pouty and sexy lips looking so inviting to me had me wanting to just drive to you. So, thats what I did.
One last text message to go, but I waited until I got to the first light to read it. I just took these for you to show you what I was wearing. Get her soon and I wont be wearing it long.
Luckily it wasnt that far to the hotel, but the drive there was probably the longest 2 miles Ive ever had to drive. Every car in my way seemed to be crawling along, every light seemed to take an hour.. Getting out, of the car I almost felt nervous and shy, but I was way too excited to let that bother me.
Getting to the door, I saw a face look through the curtain by the window. The door came open before I even had a chance to knock. I hand came out and grabbed me by the shirt pulling me inside. The door slammed behind us, but neither of us seemed to mind.
You hopped up to give me a hug and I caught you, holding you up in the air as our lips met. I wasnt prepared for you to do that, so it got me off balance and stumbling forward. I knew the bed was right there, so I guided us to it and fell back onto it.
Having finally seen you, my mind flashed and couldnt stay focused. I was more than content with just holding you in my arms. Looking into your eyes, they were beautiful. More beautiful than I had remembered. Everything felt perfect.
"Im glad you came" I said while looking deep into your eyes.
"We can talk later, just kiss me" You said pulling my face down to yours.
I rolled over again, pulling you on top of me without breaking the kiss. My hands wandered down to your bare thighs and felt how smooth and tight they were. I could feel the blood flow through my body at a much faster rate, and I knew where the blood flow was heading.
My hands slowly slid up under the loose dress lifting it up, and resting with a light grip on your butt. It felt amazing, turned me on even more. I felt you try to bite your lip during the kiss and I knew that you were feeling it as well.
Kissing across your cheek and down your neck, I became intoxicated by whatever scent it was you were wearing. It was new to me, but one that would become imbedded in my mind for as long as I would ever be able to remember.
The room was growing darker as the light from outdoors faded. A few stray beams came in between the thick hotel curtains, giving the room a interesting feel about it. One that seemed to fit the mood. Quiet and intense.
My mouth finding its way down to your shoulder, came to and abrupt halt as you stopped me with your hand. "Lay back and close your eyes" you told me before pushing me back onto the bed.
Not wanting upset you, or kill the moment I obeyed quietly. Laying my head back onto the pillow with my eyes closed tightly I waited. You straddled me at my waist and tugged up on my shirt, causing me to lean forward so that you could pull it off, before you pushed on my chest indicating for me to lay back down.
Still sightless, I wanted to know what was going on, but I wasnt going to open my eyes. Curiosity burned inside me as I wondered what was going on that I wasnt supposed to see. I felt your weight shift over to the site of the bed, as you were leaning for something.
Even though I couldnt see what was going on, I could still hear and it sounded like you were unzipping a bag. My mind wondered what could be in the bag. I was surprised and impressed that you have planned ahead like this with some sort of surprise. Laying comfortably, I waited for what was next.
My nose and eyes tickeled and something soft and silky was dragged across them. If I had to guess, it was a silk tie. You let out a cute little giggle, and tied it around the back of my head. "No peeking now" you said in a quiet little whisper.
"I wasnt going to look" I said honestly thinking that I was going to be able to hold out.
"Just in case" you replied
Reaching back into the bag, it sounded like you were pulling something else out of it. Now I was really curious what you had in mind. Another silky feeling touched my skin, this time it was dragged across my chest and up towards my neck sending shivers down my spine.
Your hands found mine and lifted them up over my head and wrapped the tie around my wrists, and what must have been the center of a headboard. I didnt even notice there being one there before. Not being able to see or move, this was either going to be great, or end up really bad for me.
Perhaps it was the fact that you kept giggling as you were tying me up that made me question why I was there or what was going to happen next, but I trusted you. Which, if you know me well at all, you would know that puts you in a list of people that could be counted on a single hand.
Laying there tied up and wondering what you were up to and if you knew how I felt about you, it left me in a different mood. Questioning things. Maybe I was actually in love. Maybe it was the lack of blood in my head, but I felt funny. Comfortable with someone in a way that I havent felt before. Whatever the feeling was, I liked it and wanted more.
I felt you get off me and could sense you standing near the bed. I could hear you take the shirt off. Not even sure how I could tell that sound, but I recognized it. Then I could hear you pull something down, probably the skirt.
My body tingled as I wanted to just rip the tie and get up and lay you down and make love to you in the most passionate of ways, but I waited for what was to come as you straddled my again.
My lips felt your lips touch mine softly, but far too briefly. You wear leaning forward you far as you kissed my neck and slowly kissed your way down my body. I couldnt tell if it was intentional or not, but I could feel your rock hard nipples slide softly down my body as intensely as your lips.
You stopped kissing, once you got the the top of the pants I had on and undid the button. Then used your teeth to pull down the zipper as far as you could. Then standing up, you whipped the boxers and pants on in one big pull nearly falling over backwards in the process. Then taking the socks off before tossing them across the room. Yes, I heard them land.
Climbing back on top of me straddling my midsection the way you had just been prior to kissing your way down my body, I noticed that you still had the skirt on. Maybe I had just hoped or imagined you taking it off. I knew for a fact you were topless, I still had chills from that feeling.
Our lips met again, briefly. You must have been in the mood to tease, because I had never wanted anyone so badly before. Your lips once again found my neck and kissed down my body dragging your nipples down my chest and stomach, until your bare breasts wrapped nicely around my erect penis. Without being able to see, I couldnt tell if you lined it up that way on purpose, but I could tell you brought your arms in together to add pressure to them. I couldnt help but moan a little bit.
Sliding down further, your breasts were replaced with a warm wet mouth and I just enjoyed the feeling. I couldnt move, but I didnt want to. At this point, if I knew this was how it was always going to be with you, Id consider buying a ring.
Coming back up for air, you stopped and crawled back up my body to kiss me again. This time it was deep and passionate. You lifted the front of your skirt up to grind on me, and I could feel how wet you were. It wasnt the skirt you had taken off, it was what was under it.
Reaching your hand down, you grabbed my cock and pulled it up right to allow yourself to ease down onto it slowly. As wet as you were, it didnt take much for you to take it all in. You let out a slight moan, each time you slowly slid down all the way on it.
Not being able to control the pace, I let you ride it however you wanted to. You went alot slower at first than I thought you would, but you slowly started going faster and faster. Your breathe increased at the same speed, in and out of your lungs faster and faster, moaning louder and louder.
Instantly you slowed to almost a stop. Moving up and down just an inch at a time, slowly starting to catch your breath. You leaned backwards and rested your elbows onto my legs without taking me out of you, I bent with your body and it pulled but felt great. As you reclined, you lifted a leg onto my chest and I could feel that you still have your heels on. The stilleto of the heel you used to glide across my chest lightly
It was relaxing, and stimulating at the same time for me. You must have remembered how one of the things I had always wanted to try was for someone to leave heels on during sex. You never forget anything, and that was just another of the things I loved about you.
As we regained our breath, you tucked your leg back around to the side and leaned forward slowly taking it all the way in again moaning as it inched in deeper until we were face to face kissing passionalty.
You sped up the pace again riding quickly and deeply leaning forward without breaking the kiss, taking every last inch of me. Running out of breath even faster from not being able to breath through our mouths we had to break the kiss and take a few deep breaths each before restarting the kiss and repeating the process lasting less and less between each break in kisses.
It got to a point where we both were so out of breath we couldnt keep a kiss going, only heading out forheads pressed together with our noses touching softly trying to not pass out from lack of oxygen. I couldnt tell if it was the lack of bloodflow to my brain, or the intensity of the situation, but I could feel every muscle in my body tighten and lock up. Instinctivly, I felt yours do the same.
Your legs pressed tightly to my body pulled in closer and I could feel them tense up. Taking a few last deep breaths our lips pressed together tightly as I felt everything release all at once, as a screaming moan escaped your mouth muffled by mine as you let go as well. All the build up, the pressure, all came undone in what seemed like eternity. My body burned and ached, but never felt better at the same time. Your body fell limp, with your head falling onto my shoulder. Both of our chests heaved trying to catch our breath.
We lay together like a pair of prize fighters that had just exhausted themselves to the point where neither could think, let alone stand. Time seemed to be frozen and hours may have passed before each of us started to move again.

The clock moved slower than normal and surprisingly enough my chair seemed more uncomfortable than I was used to. Thats the price you need to pay when you are finally excited about something in your life. I looked around the office and it was almost empty. Unfortunately working the later shift, I had to wait until everyone else was gone.
You had text me already to let me know that you had made it to the hotel all right, and were going to unpack and get ready for our mini vacation together. I know it was only for a 3 day weekend, but I can only imagine how much stuff you would have brought in for it. Having to unpack? The thought seemed crazy for a short trip, but at least it would give you something to do while I was on my way over.
My phone vibrated as my computer was shutting down, but I didnt have time to check the message. I closed out the computer as the phone vibrated again. I started to worry about you for a second hoping that nothing had gone wrong, as the phone vibrated again.
I shut off the lights and went to lock the door and again there was a vibration on my leg. That was already 3 text messages in the span of a few seconds. Something must be wrong. I locked the door as I felt a 4th message light me up. I grabbed my phone to flip it open and a 5th text message came in.
I looked at the names, and they were all from you, but I noticed the first 4 of them all had attachments with them. They were picture messages. Assuming you just found interesting stuff from the hotel of you were bored and taking random pictures, I felt a little more relieved as I was walking to my car.
The first message loaded and it was a picture of legs and feet from the knees down. The legs were bare, and the feet were in strappy high heels with neatly painted toes. The heels were sexy and fancy, not something for everyday wearing.
I opened the second picture, and it was a picture of a short loose black skirt that cut off just above mid-thigh, taken from a high angle. In the picture you could see the same shoes in it. The legs looked lightly tan and tone.
The third picture was a chest shot. The picture showed off a cute white tank top, with the typical myspace angle, pointing down showing some nice cleavage. The picture again was taken in the same place apparently at the same time in a nice teasing fashion.
Finally in my car, I started it up and took a deep breath before moving onto the last picture. I opened it up and it was a face shot of you blowing me a kiss. Nice pouty and sexy lips looking so inviting to me had me wanting to just drive to you. So, thats what I did.
One last text message to go, but I waited until I got to the first light to read it. I just took these for you to show you what I was wearing. Get her soon and I wont be wearing it long.
Luckily it wasnt that far to the hotel, but the drive there was probably the longest 2 miles Ive ever had to drive. Every car in my way seemed to be crawling along, every light seemed to take an hour.. Getting out, of the car I almost felt nervous and shy, but I was way too excited to let that bother me.
Getting to the door, I saw a face look through the curtain by the window. The door came open before I even had a chance to knock. I hand came out and grabbed me by the shirt pulling me inside. The door slammed behind us, but neither of us seemed to mind.
You hopped up to give me a hug and I caught you, holding you up in the air as our lips met. I wasnt prepared for you to do that, so it got me off balance and stumbling forward. I knew the bed was right there, so I guided us to it and fell back onto it.
Having finally seen you, my mind flashed and couldnt stay focused. I was more than content with just holding you in my arms. Looking into your eyes, they were beautiful. More beautiful than I had remembered. Everything felt perfect.
"Im glad you came" I said while looking deep into your eyes.
"We can talk later, just kiss me" You said pulling my face down to yours.
I rolled over again, pulling you on top of me without breaking the kiss. My hands wandered down to your bare thighs and felt how smooth and tight they were. I could feel the blood flow through my body at a much faster rate, and I knew where the blood flow was heading.
My hands slowly slid up under the loose dress lifting it up, and resting with a light grip on your butt. It felt amazing, turned me on even more. I felt you try to bite your lip during the kiss and I knew that you were feeling it as well.
Kissing across your cheek and down your neck, I became intoxicated by whatever scent it was you were wearing. It was new to me, but one that would become imbedded in my mind for as long as I would ever be able to remember.
The room was growing darker as the light from outdoors faded. A few stray beams came in between the thick hotel curtains, giving the room a interesting feel about it. One that seemed to fit the mood. Quiet and intense.
My mouth finding its way down to your shoulder, came to and abrupt halt as you stopped me with your hand. "Lay back and close your eyes" you told me before pushing me back onto the bed.
Not wanting upset you, or kill the moment I obeyed quietly. Laying my head back onto the pillow with my eyes closed tightly I waited. You straddled me at my waist and tugged up on my shirt, causing me to lean forward so that you could pull it off, before you pushed on my chest indicating for me to lay back down.
Still sightless, I wanted to know what was going on, but I wasnt going to open my eyes. Curiosity burned inside me as I wondered what was going on that I wasnt supposed to see. I felt your weight shift over to the site of the bed, as you were leaning for something.
Even though I couldnt see what was going on, I could still hear and it sounded like you were unzipping a bag. My mind wondered what could be in the bag. I was surprised and impressed that you have planned ahead like this with some sort of surprise. Laying comfortably, I waited for what was next.
My nose and eyes tickeled and something soft and silky was dragged across them. If I had to guess, it was a silk tie. You let out a cute little giggle, and tied it around the back of my head. "No peeking now" you said in a quiet little whisper.
"I wasnt going to look" I said honestly thinking that I was going to be able to hold out.
"Just in case" you replied
Reaching back into the bag, it sounded like you were pulling something else out of it. Now I was really curious what you had in mind. Another silky feeling touched my skin, this time it was dragged across my chest and up towards my neck sending shivers down my spine.
Your hands found mine and lifted them up over my head and wrapped the tie around my wrists, and what must have been the center of a headboard. I didnt even notice there being one there before. Not being able to see or move, this was either going to be great, or end up really bad for me.
Perhaps it was the fact that you kept giggling as you were tying me up that made me question why I was there or what was going to happen next, but I trusted you. Which, if you know me well at all, you would know that puts you in a list of people that could be counted on a single hand.
Laying there tied up and wondering what you were up to and if you knew how I felt about you, it left me in a different mood. Questioning things. Maybe I was actually in love. Maybe it was the lack of blood in my head, but I felt funny. Comfortable with someone in a way that I havent felt before. Whatever the feeling was, I liked it and wanted more.
I felt you get off me and could sense you standing near the bed. I could hear you take the shirt off. Not even sure how I could tell that sound, but I recognized it. Then I could hear you pull something down, probably the skirt.
My body tingled as I wanted to just rip the tie and get up and lay you down and make love to you in the most passionate of ways, but I waited for what was to come as you straddled my again.
My lips felt your lips touch mine softly, but far too briefly. You wear leaning forward you far as you kissed my neck and slowly kissed your way down my body. I couldnt tell if it was intentional or not, but I could feel your rock hard nipples slide softly down my body as intensely as your lips.
You stopped kissing, once you got the the top of the pants I had on and undid the button. Then used your teeth to pull down the zipper as far as you could. Then standing up, you whipped the boxers and pants on in one big pull nearly falling over backwards in the process. Then taking the socks off before tossing them across the room. Yes, I heard them land.
Climbing back on top of me straddling my midsection the way you had just been prior to kissing your way down my body, I noticed that you still had the skirt on. Maybe I had just hoped or imagined you taking it off. I knew for a fact you were topless, I still had chills from that feeling.
Our lips met again, briefly. You must have been in the mood to tease, because I had never wanted anyone so badly before. Your lips once again found my neck and kissed down my body dragging your nipples down my chest and stomach, until your bare breasts wrapped nicely around my erect penis. Without being able to see, I couldnt tell if you lined it up that way on purpose, but I could tell you brought your arms in together to add pressure to them. I couldnt help but moan a little bit.
Sliding down further, your breasts were replaced with a warm wet mouth and I just enjoyed the feeling. I couldnt move, but I didnt want to. At this point, if I knew this was how it was always going to be with you, Id consider buying a ring.
Coming back up for air, you stopped and crawled back up my body to kiss me again. This time it was deep and passionate. You lifted the front of your skirt up to grind on me, and I could feel how wet you were. It wasnt the skirt you had taken off, it was what was under it.
Reaching your hand down, you grabbed my cock and pulled it up right to allow yourself to ease down onto it slowly. As wet as you were, it didnt take much for you to take it all in. You let out a slight moan, each time you slowly slid down all the way on it.
Not being able to control the pace, I let you ride it however you wanted to. You went alot slower at first than I thought you would, but you slowly started going faster and faster. Your breathe increased at the same speed, in and out of your lungs faster and faster, moaning louder and louder.
Instantly you slowed to almost a stop. Moving up and down just an inch at a time, slowly starting to catch your breath. You leaned backwards and rested your elbows onto my legs without taking me out of you, I bent with your body and it pulled but felt great. As you reclined, you lifted a leg onto my chest and I could feel that you still have your heels on. The stilleto of the heel you used to glide across my chest lightly
It was relaxing, and stimulating at the same time for me. You must have remembered how one of the things I had always wanted to try was for someone to leave heels on during sex. You never forget anything, and that was just another of the things I loved about you.
As we regained our breath, you tucked your leg back around to the side and leaned forward slowly taking it all the way in again moaning as it inched in deeper until we were face to face kissing passionalty.
You sped up the pace again riding quickly and deeply leaning forward without breaking the kiss, taking every last inch of me. Running out of breath even faster from not being able to breath through our mouths we had to break the kiss and take a few deep breaths each before restarting the kiss and repeating the process lasting less and less between each break in kisses.
It got to a point where we both were so out of breath we couldnt keep a kiss going, only heading out forheads pressed together with our noses touching softly trying to not pass out from lack of oxygen. I couldnt tell if it was the lack of bloodflow to my brain, or the intensity of the situation, but I could feel every muscle in my body tighten and lock up. Instinctivly, I felt yours do the same.
Your legs pressed tightly to my body pulled in closer and I could feel them tense up. Taking a few last deep breaths our lips pressed together tightly as I felt everything release all at once, as a screaming moan escaped your mouth muffled by mine as you let go as well. All the build up, the pressure, all came undone in what seemed like eternity. My body burned and ached, but never felt better at the same time. Your body fell limp, with your head falling onto my shoulder. Both of our chests heaved trying to catch our breath.
We lay together like a pair of prize fighters that had just exhausted themselves to the point where neither could think, let alone stand. Time seemed to be frozen and hours may have passed before each of us started to move again.