Things that you probably dont care to know about me:
- I was born in St. Albans VT and grew up in Enosburg. I lived there most of my life.
- Graduated high school in Enosburg in 1998.
- Spent most of the two years after I graduated drunk/stoned
- Joined the Marines in 2000 for a combination of reasons. (Issues with the girlfriend, wanting to get out of VT, being told I couldnt do it by everyone, and of course being drunk/stoned all the time)
- Went to rehab in California for a drinking problem caused by issues with the same girlfriend
- Lived in California for 3 and a half years
- I probably dont want to talk to you on the phone. I hate talking on the phone unless its with certain people, and that number is probably less than 5.
- I flirt alot. I dont even mean to half the time. Just because I flirt, doesnt mean that I am interested.
- Im not very sensitive to most things. Unless you are someone that Ive let in and trust, or are close to someone that I care about, I probably couldnt care less about you.
- Its not easy to embarress me. Ive been through too much
- I hate snow. I dont like Vermont. Im here because.. well its hard to explain that one, but one of the reasons Im here seems to be fading away.
- Im accident prone, but not usually the one that gets hurt in the accidents. Ive given 3 concussions, broken 2 noses, someones foot, shut someones hand in a door, and caused many many other minor injuries to people unintentionally
- I think there is a difference between love and being in love.
- I like doing things for people I care about. I would do almost anything for certain people. It just takes alot of trust to get to that level, and its not something that comes easy for me.
- People that come off as unintelligent drive me crazy. I cant stand ditzy, stupid, or air headed people.
- Anyone that types in UpPeRcAsE mixes, spells things wrong consistantly, spells things wrong intentionally, or uses an excessive amount of abbreviations. I just assume these people are stupid, until they prove otherwise.
- Ive got commitment issues. Its not that I dont want to, its that I am picky about who I trust and have a hard time letting go to someone. Once I do, Im fiercely loyal.
- Ive got an issue with rebounding. If I do like someone and get hurt, I latch onto someone Im not really interested in and lead them on.
- I love sports. Football and hockey mainly. I often choose to spend time alone watching football than hang out with certain people that dont like it. Im going to either need to find a girl that likes football, or fall hard enough to where I like someone more than football or Im going to be single forever.
- I love cats, dont really like dogs.
- If I hear a baby screaming it gives me an instant headache. I often have to leave the room.
- Rap music has the same effect. Instant headache.
- I was born in St. Albans VT and grew up in Enosburg. I lived there most of my life.
- Graduated high school in Enosburg in 1998.
- Spent most of the two years after I graduated drunk/stoned
- Joined the Marines in 2000 for a combination of reasons. (Issues with the girlfriend, wanting to get out of VT, being told I couldnt do it by everyone, and of course being drunk/stoned all the time)
- Went to rehab in California for a drinking problem caused by issues with the same girlfriend
- Lived in California for 3 and a half years
- I probably dont want to talk to you on the phone. I hate talking on the phone unless its with certain people, and that number is probably less than 5.
- I flirt alot. I dont even mean to half the time. Just because I flirt, doesnt mean that I am interested.
- Im not very sensitive to most things. Unless you are someone that Ive let in and trust, or are close to someone that I care about, I probably couldnt care less about you.
- Its not easy to embarress me. Ive been through too much
- I hate snow. I dont like Vermont. Im here because.. well its hard to explain that one, but one of the reasons Im here seems to be fading away.
- Im accident prone, but not usually the one that gets hurt in the accidents. Ive given 3 concussions, broken 2 noses, someones foot, shut someones hand in a door, and caused many many other minor injuries to people unintentionally
- I think there is a difference between love and being in love.
- I like doing things for people I care about. I would do almost anything for certain people. It just takes alot of trust to get to that level, and its not something that comes easy for me.
- People that come off as unintelligent drive me crazy. I cant stand ditzy, stupid, or air headed people.
- Anyone that types in UpPeRcAsE mixes, spells things wrong consistantly, spells things wrong intentionally, or uses an excessive amount of abbreviations. I just assume these people are stupid, until they prove otherwise.
- Ive got commitment issues. Its not that I dont want to, its that I am picky about who I trust and have a hard time letting go to someone. Once I do, Im fiercely loyal.
- Ive got an issue with rebounding. If I do like someone and get hurt, I latch onto someone Im not really interested in and lead them on.
- I love sports. Football and hockey mainly. I often choose to spend time alone watching football than hang out with certain people that dont like it. Im going to either need to find a girl that likes football, or fall hard enough to where I like someone more than football or Im going to be single forever.
- I love cats, dont really like dogs.
- If I hear a baby screaming it gives me an instant headache. I often have to leave the room.
- Rap music has the same effect. Instant headache.
I'm glad you like them though!