job interview tomorrow at walmart!
My friend Stet Howland has rejoined W.A.S.P.!! new cd "Neon God" part one the rise is out!
Threeface/Ornj Av playing Nicko McBrain's Birthday Party at the Kelsey Club ,June 5th!
SG Tour hits florida June 10-13th!
Miami Heat up 1 game in the playoffs!
NHL playoffs Round 2!
Go Flyers!
back to eating spongebob squarepants cheez-its,and surfing the web!
My friend Stet Howland has rejoined W.A.S.P.!! new cd "Neon God" part one the rise is out!
Threeface/Ornj Av playing Nicko McBrain's Birthday Party at the Kelsey Club ,June 5th!
SG Tour hits florida June 10-13th!
Miami Heat up 1 game in the playoffs!
NHL playoffs Round 2!
Go Flyers!
back to eating spongebob squarepants cheez-its,and surfing the web!
you cant work for Walmart...they are evil and have no moral values at night as well just go ahead and seel your soul. not that my companie is all ethical but Walmart builds stores on indian burrial just hangs out in the enron crowd.
ps....wheres the freaking spell check in this place...