well to bring you up2date,on January 16th ,I audtioned for QVC,,to be a host!
,and will find out if I go to the 2nd round this week... If I do ,its 2 nights in West Chester,PA..
back to reality,working at my local checkers,actually making decent money,getting caught up..look to get a new bass,and start practicing with a band..and just keep pushing my website DJKRIS2FUR ONLINE
and spreading the word about LENNON
She rocks! also Happy Birthday to her,she turns 22 March 31...
check out the sitescheck out the media section-to hear Lennon's "My Beautiful"
and her home page atLENNON MURPHY--SHE ROCKS!!
well off to spend time with my 7 year old cousins,and drink some tea..
,and will find out if I go to the 2nd round this week... If I do ,its 2 nights in West Chester,PA..
back to reality,working at my local checkers,actually making decent money,getting caught up..look to get a new bass,and start practicing with a band..and just keep pushing my website DJKRIS2FUR ONLINE
and spreading the word about LENNON
She rocks! also Happy Birthday to her,she turns 22 March 31...
check out the sitescheck out the media section-to hear Lennon's "My Beautiful"
and her home page atLENNON MURPHY--SHE ROCKS!!
well off to spend time with my 7 year old cousins,and drink some tea..
yay,I saw the Marlins tonight..