One day when I am older I will tell my children fairytales. Storries of men and women who sail across the the unforgiving sea, who climb mountains and fight trolls and fauns to get magical keys to open chest of treasure and mystery and all the like. I wll show them that there is still mystery in this word and that things are not always as they seem. I want images of blue waterfalls and silver fish to line their dreams and teach them that there is no such thing as impossible. I will tell them of guns, and wars and evil and death so that they know what may lie ahead and they can find courage within their own hearts to fight these things. I will tell them stories full of true love, cheer and the value of tears of joy so they never let it pass them by or accept anything less. Every night from the day that they're born until the day that my lips no longer move I will tell them these stories that span language dreams and time. When they are older and have drawn their own wisdom from the world i hope that they remember my tales, that they not forget what it means to smile. In these tales I will put all that I am and all that I know for this reason alone: that I am their father and I love them.
Infinite meanings, one emotion, one instant
A photographer, not a portrait artist
Infinite meanings, one emotion, one instant
A photographer, not a portrait artist
your words are yummy like chocolate & bring a smile to my face--i wish i could live in a world seen through the photographic lens of your mind's eye that shapes dreams.
but once again, i have to argue with you--akin to when you called yourself a boy & not yet a man: you do indeed paint portraits. your words are like movements of a symphony, and each image you described above as rich and woven as the varied instruments and musicians of a whole.
i'm a lucky girl to have your beautiful spirit grace my blog & make me smile like heck. even more luckier to read your blogs & light my day. you're such an inspiration, Djinx.
have a gorgeous week, my friend!
But I'm far less bitter than I could have been with all the experiences of my life, than if I had been lead to believe there was nothing good and magical at all to believe in.
You go, D. I'm enarmoured