buried my grandmother today, that was actually nice. she was out of her mind and had been for some time now so now she's better. the mood was good and uplifting, and i got the day off work with pay, i love my union.
oh man i went to go pick up my old van from my buddy, well first it's an old 1966 chevy sport van that a bit rusty and drove like a go-cart, but my buddy said it was good to go, and worked fine just hadn't been drivin' for a while, well my girl dropped me off at his dad's house where it is being stored and she raced off to work leaving me there all alone, (you know that's never good, with a van that old) well she started up pretty good and after stalling out a few times in the driveway i finally get it going but when i try the brakes there's nothing just keeps going down the hill, with oncoming traffic my only chose it to turn up hill to the right when the bitch immediately stalls out again and proceeds to start rolling backwards. well it's a good thing i wasn't going fast so i let the curb stop me, and it took a few try's to get the bitch back into the driveway. i just hope my buddy can get the brakes fixed before he goes to Mexico on sunday, 'cause i don't know shit about fixing car.
man i love that bitch of a van
thanks to all who all who gave me your blessings for my grandma.
word to y'alls grandma's
That's impossibly cool....
What is up?
Been crazy busy over here!
I'm moving in the next couple weeks and was wondering if you'd be up for some sweet helpin action!???!
Talk to you soon buddy!