What's wrong? Are you okay?
Hmmm, seems like the week was busy but boring. Well, maybe not. One night I went to a dinner we charged to work and with dessert we had a round 40 year old French Amagnac. Amazing, the distilled the stuff nine years before I was born!!

Tonight I saw David Sedaris, the author and NPR guy, speak in Eugene. He was very funny so that...
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mmmmmm nothing like charging a nice meal to the company. i used to fly to nyc every few months & enjoyed using the corporate plastic. i miss those days, but not the work...

i LOVE david sedaris! i caught him on his last tour & really enjoyed it. do you come to eugene alot to see shows? if so we should get together sometime when you're down here.

yes, i know it's HUGE shock that i had a great time in jamaica. not! but given my current situation (laid off, breaking up & selling my house) i was worried that most of my time would be spent brooding, lamenting, & other wise being a wet blanket. there was some of that, but it was overshadowed by the good things.
it's a little in the TMI side, but i couldn't help myself. it helps me relive it a little every time i tell it. smile bless ja man just talked to peaches & got to relive it yet again. biggrin plus i ain't got no job & no cable, so i gots the time. ha!

i know what you mean about having to escape once in a while. eugene is small enough for me & i still need a big city fix every so often. my step-sister lives mile outside of roseburg & i don't know how she does it...

right on. well let's get together sometime when you are down in the big E.

So things are going pretty good with the house buying, but today my car insurance company said they won't insure my house unless I fix some things up. Of course I can't get a mortgage without insurance, and I can't buy the house without a mortgage, and I can't fix the house unless I buy it!!!! blackeyed

So I'll be looking elsewhere for house insurance...
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Yay for the new house!!!! biggrin

Too bad your insurance is being a pain in the ass. mad

Ahhh, I think I finally got work under control since I got back from Italy. Next week should be back to normal I hope.

Plus, Taj Mahal was awsome last weekend! I'm very happy I went. biggrin biggrin

And I just got a new CD by Earlimart. They are playing in Portland next month, I'll be sure to go. smile

I hope my now numerous SG friends are...
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I'm finally moved, but not fully unpacked. Moving sucks. I'm glad I'm commuting next year instead of moving again. Even though it'll be almost a two hour commute each way.

Hope you're having a good weekend.

Talk to you soon! smile
Ahhh, the weekend. Last week was crazy and I didn't get quite caught up at work...but that's for next week. I'm going to try to just relax this weekend. I'm going down to Eugene tonight to see Taj Mahal smile

Hope your show was good and you're having a good weekend. smile

I haven't been ignoring you, just been busy. I already had a test in med chem, and I'm moving next week. When will it end? I probably won't have time next week for coffee, but maybe the following week on Thursday around 10? Let me know.

Talk to you soon! biggrin
nice! you caught the 1st sat market of the season & took advantage of the weather. i was going to go, but got involved with painting the dogs...i mean the house. i was trying to steer clear of the dogs, but some how they got white spots all over them. oooopppssssssss

glad taj still rocks the party that rocks the party. there's nothing worse than seeing a legend that is past it's prime.

cancer does suck & is a very frustrating process. it's a lot of hurry up & wait & they send you to a dozen different docs before they tell you anything. we have some 30-something friends that got married in nov & about 6 months before that the bride had a growth removed & has had on going pain/problems since then. the kicker is they still don't really know what's wrong with her. well, i guess theya reonly "practicing" medicine...

off to jamaica man!

Back from Italy and just about over my jetlag. Trying to catch up at work sucks though puke puke puke

So it looks like a busy week, but then down the Eugene to see Taj Mahal play on Saturday night biggrin

How come when things are too hectic I just want them to slow down...and then once I get things slowed down I get bored and make things...
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i know: i keep going back & forth between feeling like i've lost my mind & finally come to my senses. (i'm either really smart or really dumb...) maybe a little of both. confused

kudos for being the bigger person & calling your ex. if i had access to that fine scotch i'm sure i'ld be hitting it too... it's always good to try to cut thru the drama before it happens. of course some people tend to thrive on it. myself i am working on letting go of all that bullshit. i do not want to be bitter & nasty like my sister who lives with her 3 cats & 2 dogs instead of attempting human contact. puke

actually dinner & drinks was very pleasant. it wasn't like a romantic date: more like 2 friends getting together. the emotionally disturbing part came after when he said "see i'm a nice guy & i haven't changed my behavior at all." and "can't you put up with a little yelling?" yelling?! he left out spitting, throwing things, breaking things, kicking doors in, scaring ths shit out of the dogs, & acting like a maniac in general. this drove home for me that he is not pickin' up what i've been layin' down. i could put up with it, but i am CLEARLY NOT GOING TO ANY MORE. yeah for me!!! biggrin

he's already dating again, which mostly makes me feel sorry for whoever he's going out with cuz he hasn't worked on his anger problem enough. blackeyed

hope the pics all turn out. smile

[Edited on Mar 31, 2005 8:29AM]
thanks for the positive reinforcement. smile .

i can totally relate: he is also very much like a child & can be sweet as pie. there is always good & bad in relationships/people. the question is if there is enough good to balance out the other crap.
arrivederci, back in 10 days biggrin
Hope you're having a fun time in Italy!

Talk to you when you get back...hope you took pictures.

3 days until Italy smile, so the house is on hold until I get back. I want to get an electrician in there to check out the WWII vintage wiring eeek ...and it has to wait until I return.

Also, I just figured out I need to get a power cord or something for my laptop...they've got crazy plugs over there I hear.

now i had a different bay area mass transit experience. i lived in the east bay for a few years & took bart. after riding the el bart seemed so foreign: people line up to get on in a civilized way & it's pretty much vomit free.

turin? will go to the cave where the shroud was found?

going thru the break up of the biggest kind right now: d-i-v-o-r-c-e. shhhhhhhhhhh don't tell the dogs...

it's my choice & i'm in fairly good spirits about it, but it still sucks. especially now that i am cleaning out all our stuff to get the house ready to sell. it's like the extreme version of reliving your life over the past month when you get your credit card statement..

i know this is best for me & something i have to do. i'm slowly breaking the news to friends & family. pretty much everyone that knows him has said, "it's about time." they are my friends, so was expecting support, but i wasn't expecting them all to agree so whole heartedly.

we're trying as best we can to be "friends" about the whole thing, but 1 of us does have anger problem, so this has it's challenges...

i'm sure this all falls into the realm of too much information, but you asked & i have this compulsive honesty thing going, so what can i do?! it's all sooooooooooooooooo surreal

[Edited on Mar 17, 2005 6:01AM]
ohmygodwhatever!!!!!!! u r freaking me out. i've been in this relationship for 7 years too. r we like reverse reality twins or something?!


have a great time in italia & say hi to the shroud for me. ha!
Hmmm, I think I'm in the process of buying a house! Pretty exciting huh? Plus I'm going to Italy in 10 days, so things are kind of hectic...but I can't complain biggrin biggrin

buying a house is exciting & stressful. selling 1 is the same...man i wish i were headed for Italy!!!!!!!!1
i was born a poor black girl on the s. side of chicago (95th & winchester). this is where i spent the formative years, but have also lived in Paletine, Glen Ellen, & Edgewater Beach. how much of a suburbanite are you? have you ever riden the el? i am willing to give you partial credit for only having riden metra. biggrin

PS thanks for the PS. good to know it's just as i suspected: not everyone in the world is mad. as sad as it may seem, i need this positive reenforcement right now...

PPS don't be too frightened by this time stamp. the dogs start wagontraining around the for their breakfast early....
A wonderful day skiing at Mt Bachelor. Blue skies, warm weather, lots of fun. Very tired now after all the driving and skiing. Good night.
I wish I had the same freedom that you have. It sounds like you had a wonderful day. smile

I have to work all weekend and work on a paper for biopharmaceutics. puke I wish I wasn't such a procrastinator...it's due on Thursday and has to be at least 10 pages long.

Wish me luck!

PS--Wanna have coffee next week after all my crap is done? (OK..it might be the following week. I have a med chem test Friday.) Let me know. biggrin
Nice Avatar. I love Bachelor, I grew up skiing there. Man, I need to thit the hill again soon.