Off to Seattle for a final summer trip. Then work I suppose until my folks visit in October.

The weekend agenda includes: baseball, disk golf, scotch whiskey, beer, and food. biggrin biggrin biggrin

Maybe a friend will fly up from Oakland too which would be fun. It's kind of weird though, I just found out he moved in with my ex into the house I used to share...
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I hope you have a fun trip. Sounds like you will.

I'll be back in Corvallis after September 5th. I think Starbucks and pictures are calling my name. biggrin
how was your backpacking trip? i need to call you! sorry for being such a slacker, but it is a forte of mine. i'm sure you understand wink

soooooo, the ex is bumping uglies with someone you know. who let you in on this little piece on info? more importantly, who cares?! she's someone elses problem now & you no longer have to maintain her princess lifestyle. stay strong man! blast some "fuck you" must & absolutely NO LOVE SONGS!!!!!!

kiss to you
So, I made it back from my seven day backpacking adventure. It was incredible biggrin biggrin . I've been kind of wiped out this weekend though, I took long naps both yesterday and today in the afternoon. I'm not sure if I'm actually tired or just suffering post birthday depression though....


I wish I could take a nap. I used to think they were a big waste of time. I would go, go, go all the time, but now I love naps. Especially long ones.

I hope you had a good birthday.

Did you take any pictures on your backpacking trip? I would love to see them.
You made your own beer?

Is it any good? Did it stink while you were making it?

And spongebob does suck. But everyone else loves him. I wonder what I'm missing... confused

I FINALLY got my laptop back from the repair place I had to ship it off to, so I can finally update here. They took forever it seemed mad but it's all fixed and working now biggrin

Went camping last weekend and climbed the South Sister volcano. The view from the top was incredible, but my legs are sore now.

Next I'm off for a week...
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Happy Birthday!!!

I hope you are having a wonderful day! smile
Let's see, I still have a visiter which is cool. We went to the Oregon Country Fair yesterday which was a plesent surprise. We had a good time, I wasn't expecting it to be so elaborate.

Next weekend we'll check out Di Vinci Days, also I've got tickets to see Beck smile

Tonight was a big home depot run, my friend is tiling a bathroom floor...
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Thanks! I hope you had a good weekend.

Did you end up going to Da Vinci days? I had to work all weekend. Stupid work. I've never been able to go to Da Vinci days. frown
It was good to see you when you dropped by. Sorry I was so busy. We got all moved into our new space, but it's not done being built, so it kinda sucks. Oh well. whatever

I hope you have a good day! biggrin
Wow, July is here. Well, being a homeowner sure keeps me busy, but I think that's just what I needed. Summer is very welcome, and I hopefully will have lots of visiters.

Maybe some will show up this weekend. They claim they are coming, but my friends are flakers. We'll see I suppose. I kept my weekend free for them, so hopefully they will show....
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Yeah, next time you definitely have to come. I'm sure you could have brought your friends too.

I'm glad you're having a good time. Are your friends staying long?
Well, that's good. It's nice having friends to hang out with. Maybe after I get back we can get together sometime.

I'm not looking forward to the 100+ weather in Sacramento. All my shorts are too small. They must have shrunk... confused
Well, the medicine I got from the doctor has got the poison oak on the run...but I've still got red spots.

Had a nice day hiking the the mountains today smile

bye for now

Coffee sounds good. Maybe Wednesday at 9am?
You have a good weekend too. What are you gonna do?
Got poison oak last weekend. I managed to get in on my hands and spread it around...even on my face frown

Went to the doc today to get some medication. Filled the script at PharmGirl's pharmacy, but she wasn't working today.

I hope everyone's week was less itchy than mine

Busy Time, busy times!

Thus I haven't been at the computer much...

However, the new house is great, and my friend is here painting the outside for me. If only the rain will let up!!! It's June, time for summer!

Anyway, the Saquatch festival was fun and having my friend visiting is awsome. We've known each other for almost 25 years. No painting today so...
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i just updated for the 1st time in about a week. all this drinking is really time consuming. wink
Hi Stranger!

I'm thinking maybe next week for coffee sounds good. My daughter will be at her dad's and I'll be a free woman. No school! I do have to work, though, so I'll have to get back to you after I find out what my schedule is.

Hope your week is off to a good start! smile
Alright, tomorrow I head up to Seattle to pick up a childhood pal (known him since first grade) and then off to the Sasquatch music festival to see some crusty old Pixies, the Arcade Fire, Modest Mouse, etc.... biggrin biggrin

I'm looking forward to getting out of town for a little break.

P.S., I love my new house, which my pal will paint for me after the...
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yes, yes good advice, but it's not as tragic as it seems. i'm not softening my position: i really did it so i could have the car for a few days. the truck eats up that gas faster than you would believe!

have a great time biggrin

I'm tired, and I have tons to do over the next two weeks.

However, I'm moved into the new house and that is cool. biggrin

Sorry, I'm not inspired to write more.


bok indeed. smile