Happy Thanksgiving! hope you ate as much turkey as i did.
hey there i am just making my rounds and making sure that everyone is still coming to the holiday party and participating in the secret santa gift exchange...i am drawing the names on the 15th and will be letting you know through email who you have gotten on the 16th. so just let me know if anything has change so i can make the adjustments...can't wait to see you there...

i was just curious if you were going to be coming to the sg detroit holiday/3 year anniversary party...if you are i will need you to email me through my contact button with your name as it appears on your drivers license for guest list purposes. this is a privat party and will not be open to the public so you will have to be on the guest list to get in. also, i will need to know if you are going to be bringing a guest to the party or not...it's totally alright if you do i just need to add the plus to your name. if you could let me know as soon as possible that would be fantasic. thank you so much and i hope to see you there...