Ok, well, now my mystery illness has isolated itself inside my nose. I guess that means I'll be all better just in time for work tomorrow, Yay!
But for now I've got to get a lot of shit around the house done that I've been putting off the past two days like Laundry, Dishes, Vaccuming, Garbage, X-mas Decorating, and shoveling the rest of the snow out of my parking spot before it turns into concrete tonight.
Were supposed to get ANOTHER nor'Easter this weekend and if we get NEARLY as much snow as we did from the last one I'm going to be pissed. One thing I know for sure is there is no way they are going to get me to do any fucking shoveling at work this time, they don't pay me enough for that shit. Besides I got sick AND fucked up my back last time. Enough bitchin' for today.

But for now I've got to get a lot of shit around the house done that I've been putting off the past two days like Laundry, Dishes, Vaccuming, Garbage, X-mas Decorating, and shoveling the rest of the snow out of my parking spot before it turns into concrete tonight.
Were supposed to get ANOTHER nor'Easter this weekend and if we get NEARLY as much snow as we did from the last one I'm going to be pissed. One thing I know for sure is there is no way they are going to get me to do any fucking shoveling at work this time, they don't pay me enough for that shit. Besides I got sick AND fucked up my back last time. Enough bitchin' for today.

yeah snow can be not fun. But it's better than earthquakes, tornados, floods, forest fires, anmd most of the other shit nature dishes out to other parts of the country.
DEAL! When I know something, you'll know something!