Twitter: WWDJD?
David Jett wouldn't god-damn Twitter, that's what. I can't turn on the fuckin' tv, read a newspaper or just be awake without hearing about Twitter! Hey, check out this news headline::
Appeal says juror sent 'tweets' during $12.6M case
For you twitter-twats out there, no one cares about what you do or think every minute of the day. At least with a blog, even a badly written blog, someone had to sit down and think about things after they happened. A little reflection, if you will. Maybe even a little added creativity. Some bloggers even try to cull their boring daily lives into a few morsels of interest and/or useful information. If I wanted to know what happens to you every single minute of the day, I would take the time to stalk you.
I don't "twitter," but if I did, I think I would use the mostly useless medium to mock itself. So here's my top ten fictional Twitter entries that you might read if I actually Twittered.
David Jett Twitter Entries:
"just took a shit. seriously."
"how come macaroni is only called macaroni when it's hooked up with american cheese? When it's any other cheese, it's called pasta. oh, gotta go. dinner's ready."
"i'm at a funeral. borrrrring."
"i want to go to there."
"the letters on my phone are so tiny."
"damn. damn. damn. fuck."
"i just accidentally put my dick in the wrong hole. funny stuff."
"pizza pizza pizza."
"does anyone out there know how to play the banjo? i need to know asap."
David Jett wouldn't god-damn Twitter, that's what. I can't turn on the fuckin' tv, read a newspaper or just be awake without hearing about Twitter! Hey, check out this news headline::
Appeal says juror sent 'tweets' during $12.6M case
For you twitter-twats out there, no one cares about what you do or think every minute of the day. At least with a blog, even a badly written blog, someone had to sit down and think about things after they happened. A little reflection, if you will. Maybe even a little added creativity. Some bloggers even try to cull their boring daily lives into a few morsels of interest and/or useful information. If I wanted to know what happens to you every single minute of the day, I would take the time to stalk you.
I don't "twitter," but if I did, I think I would use the mostly useless medium to mock itself. So here's my top ten fictional Twitter entries that you might read if I actually Twittered.
David Jett Twitter Entries:
"just took a shit. seriously."
"how come macaroni is only called macaroni when it's hooked up with american cheese? When it's any other cheese, it's called pasta. oh, gotta go. dinner's ready."
"i'm at a funeral. borrrrring."
"i want to go to there."
"the letters on my phone are so tiny."
"damn. damn. damn. fuck."
"i just accidentally put my dick in the wrong hole. funny stuff."
"pizza pizza pizza."
"does anyone out there know how to play the banjo? i need to know asap."
i had to google who that is (shhh, before my time and i'm european!) but that was definitely a sweet comparison!