I read a little bit about Marnie Stern and decided to order a vinyl copy of her new album for my first listening. She's on the Kill Rock Stars label, and sometimes that's good enough, for me, for a try.
I've been listening to Marnie's album over the last hour. Wow. This is something. What, exactly, I'm not quite sure. From what I've read recently, she has a rep as a talented, but unique guitar player. I'll buy that. And she doesn't so much sing as she chants lines in-between disconcerted tempo changes. I'm actually not sure how to describe it. Uh, Bikini Kill jamming with Peaches while listening to Rush and then someone breaks out Guitar Hero and jams to a Dragonforce song. In an odd way, this is almost jazz.
There's something to be said about being so talented, yet slightly off-putting as to make people feel uncomfortable. Hey, that's how I get most of my dates. (rim-shot.)
As I'm writing this, I'm listening to Marnie's album. And every few minutes, I actually turn my head around and look at my turntable, as if to say, "Really?!"
I'm really digging this gal. No matter how weird she is or how uncomfortable some of her choices are. By certain definitions, that would be love. By any standard, she is the fuckin' bomb!
Want to get your mind blown, too? Check out a Marnie Stern video!
how has life been?