Rolling Stone magazine has changed it's format starting with this months issue. I never liked the old large-size, cheap-paper format which may have been cool in 1973, but makes but awkward reading on the can. The mag is now printed on slick paper and is the a smaller, more magazine and reader friendly size. About time.
While I was reading the current issue, which features a great interview with Barack Obama as well as a strange pairing of Nick Jonas interviewing Elvis Costello, I played a little game I like to do from time to time. I look at the top 40 album chart and count how many I actually own. This, of course, always ends up with the same result: I'm not a top 40 kinda guy. So which current albums on the chart do I own?
We have to go all the way down to number 20 for the first: Kings of Leon. Then there's Duffy at 38. And that's it. See. Told ya.